Love & Stitches at The Asylum: Part Seventy-Six




All the music, the different kinds of treats, snow and bubbles filling the air in sporadic bursts around the pool, turned the horror-fantasy hybrid themed party into something of a…damn, the only description Pike could come up with was an acid trip. Even though he’d never done that particular drug. And he wouldn’t say that out loud because it would freak a few people out.

Yup, I’ve had waaay too much sugar.

Dancing with the other subs, then sneaking a bit more icing off the cake until Keiran swatted his ass and directed him to the other other dessert table, where sucking down a half dozen pixie sticks left Pike a bit dizzy. He licked his fingers, more than a little full. Quint would’ve usually cut him off by now.

Had him drink some milk. Or some water. Held him and gotten him calmed down and cozy. But he still hadn’t shown up.

Frowning, Pike spun around, which didn’t help with the dizziness. Or finding his co-sub. The blur of people seemed to be missing Seth, too.

Are they still lost in the maze?

Padding to the security stairs, pulling his towel over his head—because it would work just as well as a blanket to make him invisible—Pike ducked into the dimly lit space. Stubbed his toes on the first step and muffled his curse with part of the towel.

Right, might wanna become visible to go up the stairs. Quint won’t be happy if I find him and I’m looking like a real zombie, with my neck broken.

Snickering, Pike made his way up the stairs, taking a mental note to draw that visual for Wren. He’d get a kick out of it.

He managed to get to the gym without hurting anything besides his toes. The pain wasn’t terrible, but he frowned at the mess he’d made. Not the fun kind. He opened the door to the clinic, taking in the space that was dark for the first time, as far as he was aware of, since he’d been here.

Feeling around for the light switch, Pike managed to trip over something instead, his other foot not feeling much better than the first. When the door closed, with the distinct sound of the lock, he groaned.

There were a few escape rooms planned. Some that had been abandoned as too risky, others Pike hadn’t been part of setting up because he was too risky. This was one of the latter.

Which meant the clues in here weren’t ones he’d set up.

And I’m stuck in here until everyone’s done eating and ready to keep playing.

“I should’ve grabbed a sandwich instead of another cake pop. Damn those things for being so fu-freakin’ good.” Pike wiggled close to the exam table, his hand touching something furry. That squeaked. He picked it up, holding it to his face. “Are you a plague rat or a rabid squirrel? I don’t care what anyone says. You’re cute and I’d play with you any day.”

The lights flicked on, glowing red and casting eerie shadows across the room and over the man who bent close to him. After a few blinks, his vision adjusted and he could see the black rimmed glasses and big brown eyes. A pale face usually perfectly smooth and clean, dotted with fake blood, a bit of green paint on the side of his neck that someone had tried and failed to wipe off. Black shirt and slacks a little wrinkled and dusted with fine bits of hay and sparkles, Wren couldn’t look more different than he did on the daily if he’d put on a wig again to work at Matt’s Café.

Smiling softly, the other sub helped Pike to his feet. Glanced down at them.

Then looked like he was about to open another one of the presents from the table downstairs. Wren patted the exam table. “I thought those bloody footprints were a clue leading to my next task. I was worried when you left the party, so I—”

“You were worried about me?” Pike quickly shook his head when Wren frowned at him. “No, I mean, I know you care, don’t get me wrong. I just…I didn’t mean to make anyone worry.” He groaned, lifting himself to the exam table and dropping back with a thunk. Which sent another rush through his head. “And I left a real bloody mess so now Quint and Seth will worry, too.”

Wren patted his thigh. “Every one of these rooms being used would be closely monitored, and Noah hasn’t let me out of his sight. He’ll let them know I’m taking care of you.” He glanced over his shoulder toward the closed door. “If you would, sir?”

No one spoke, but the quiet tap on the other side of the door was answer enough.

Sitting up, Pike grinned. “Okay, good. And I’ll clean up after myself.” He looked down to where Wren inspected his toes, blood dripping to the floor. “It’s a good thing Danny’s up in that tower. He’d think someone got murdered.”

On his feet, moving with smooth efficiency around the clinic, like the weird red light didn’t faze him at all, Wren scrubbed his hands, dried them, and put on some of the surgical gloves Seth always made real sexy with how he snapped them on and wiggled his brows at Pike. The other sub didn’t do that, but there was something about his composure, how obvious it was that he knew what he was doing, that made it easy to relax.

By now, Quint would be softly scolding Pike. He’d be all sweet and tender, with gentle touches and hugs, always seeming more than a little relieved when the injuries were small. There had only really been once that Pike had gotten hurt bad that he or Seth hadn’t been around—when he’d screwed up shelving the bottles in the bar and ended up with glass everywhere.

Wren had taken care of him then.

“You’re gonna make an awesome nurse. You already are—hell, you’re more than that, even though it’s not official.” Pike did his best to hold still as Wren compressed most torn skin on his toes. Once the bleeding slowed, he carefully cleaned each one—which stung like a motherfucker, but Pike was pretty used to that. Usually, Quint would blow to take the worst of it away—even though he said he wasn’t supposed to, but Pike didn’t expect that from Wren. What he was doing already was more than enough. “Sorry you had to work on your birthday because of me.”

Tipping his head back, Wren peered up at him. “This isn’t work for me. It’s more of…a hobby. That has many uses. I enjoy it. Not that I’d want someone to get hurt just so I could have the pleasure of treating them, but it happening today is…a happy coincidence. I have a feeling there are more things planned for the party, though, so I can’t indulge too much. Don’t do it again just for my benefit. Besides, as much as I like giving stitches, it’s less pleasing when the work is ruined. I want to see if I can reduce scarring as much as Jared and Quint can. Seth does very well, but it seems less of an artform for him and more practicality.”

Pike twisted his lips to one side. “I can’t say what it is for Jared, but for Quint I know he made sure not to leave scars on other mercs because they could make them easier to identify. And he knows they bother some people. Seth likes art, he always comes to check on mine when I’m practicing my technique for different classes, but…yeah, I don’t think he’s into the gruesome kind.”

“Maybe I can show him some that will appeal to him.” Wren prepared a small syringe, then poked it into different spots on Pike’s toes to numb them, before moving on to threading a small curved needle. “I don’t believe we’re compatible in a way that would make him winning me again a good idea, but if he ever wanted to, I hope I can come up with something to discuss. Maybe we could come up with a theory for why you and gravity have such a strange relationship?”

Snickering, Pike leaned forward a bit, wincing as the needle went through his skin, even though it didn’t hurt. The numbing stuff worked good, but it looked like it should be painful. “I think…I’m just clumsy. When you’re around people where the wrong move could be dangerous, you’re always aware of everything you do and you can’t really…let loose. Experience stuff, you know? I went from being a proper little kid in suits, to wanting to keep my dad happy. Once everyone was gone and I went to school? It was like…shedding someone’s skin that wasn’t my own.”

The explanation seemed to satisfy Wren because he gave a little nod as he put in another stitch. “I’m sure there’s some psychological reasons for that, which Stephan might be able to explore with you, but so long as you don’t damage yourself in any extreme way…” He frowned, shaking his head. “No, you shouldn’t damage your Dom’s property. I am giving you very bad advice.”

“Naw. You’re just thinking out loud. It’s not like you could give me tips on how to not trip over my own feet.” Pike wrinkled his nose. “Unless I started walking like a proper sub, but…then I’d be pulling that skin back on.”

Wren inclined his head, finished with the stitches and moving on to the skin glue. “I imagine your Dom knows that, which is why he hasn’t asked it of you.” His lips curved slightly. “I appreciate the graphic analogy. And I somehow managed to have a conversation with you without it becoming awkward. I was worried I might fail with that aspect of my bedside manner training.”

The guy did talk about strange stuff sometimes, but it was kinda neat when Pike just got to sit here and didn’t have to worry about getting in trouble. Intentionally or not. He thought over what Wren had said about bedside manners, chewing at the edge of his bottom lip. “I mean, you’ll be dealing with mostly the fighters here, right? Mostly they just like to talk about themselves. Go on and on about the fight and how they’re dying to get back out there. Quint sometimes gets the more tense ones to chill by getting them talking about their jobs. Or their pets. Pets is an easy one.” 

“Would you have rathered we discuss Fresco?” Wren’s expression was intent as he bandaged Pike’s big toe, then looked over the selection of colorful Band-Aids like this was another test. He grinned suddenly, holding up one with little pieces of pizza on it. “Quint must have chosen these. He’d be good, working with children. He has a very gentle temperament—when he’s not holding a weapon, or facing down a threat… Hmm… No, maybe not. I can’t imagine he’d do well with the parents who don’t take good care of their children. A pediatrician with a body count would be less than ideal.”

For some reason, even though a lot of people seemed to have trouble following stuff Wren said because he’d trail off to different topics, Pike actually liked it. And when he really thought about it, they weren’t different topics at all. They were connected and there was something really…honest about it.

He might not be able to keep up with the smarter stuff, and sometimes he had fuck all to add to the conversation when it was medical stuff, but that wasn’t much different than with Quint or Seth. And he really liked talking to people who didn’t have a hidden agenda.

Those could be fucking dangerous. Every single member of his dead family—may they rot in hell—came into every conversation with either something to hide or something to gain.

Wren didn’t want anything from him. Except to patch up his toes. And maybe learn how to have convos with the normies.

His lips quirked as each of his less damaged toes was covered in different colored pizza-patterned Band-Aids. “I always like talking about Fresco, but I think you did good, man. Don’t try to change how you talk for other people. I mean, get the info across that they need or whatever, but keep things natural. You’re an interesting dude and anyone who doesn’t get that can get stuffed.” He tilted his head to one side. “Quint’s managed to not kill a lot of people who probably deserved it, so he might still be a great pediatrician. You should suggest it to him some day.”

Smiling, Wren rose to his feet, gathering all the trash he’d neatly set aside and heading over to toss it with the gloves.

“I might do that, thank you. I want to be as close to him as I am my other co-subs, but he’s very different from them. Which isn’t a bad thing, but so many different personalities takes some adjusting. When things are calm it’s…easier to see how everyone has something to bring to the table. When things are chaotic, it’s a bit more difficult, until we all remember we have the same goals.” He went to a cabinet, opening and closing a few drawers before coming up with a pair of white socks and plain, light blue slippers, still in their plastic packaging. “Speaking of goals, we need to start looking for clues once we have everything back in order.”

Pike nodded, taking the socks and slippers from Wren and putting them on before carefully slipping off the exam table. He eyed the blood on the floor. “You wanna start while I take care of this? I won’t do it as perfect as you would, but I’ve seen Quint enough times to do a decent job.”

“That sounds reasonable…” Wren made a face as he glanced down at the floor. “Or I can clean and you can search?” A ruffling sound brought his attention to the far side of the clinic and he groaned. “This entire space will have to be disinfected. What are you doing here, L.D.?”

 On top of one of the metal filing cabinets, the fluffy white cat held one of the plague rats in his mouth. There was a tag around the rat’s neck, the kind they’d used for some of the clues in the other escape rooms.

Already having fetched some paper towels and disinfectant spray, Pike got down on his hands and knees to clean up the mess he’d tracked across the floor and at the base of the exam table. “You gotta make kissy noises. That always works with Fresco. And if he’s got something he’s not supposed to have, you distract him with something he’ll want more.”

“The souls of any who he believes wronged him?” Wren huffed, looking around the clinic. “L.D. and Fresco are two very different kinds of cats.”

Pike lifted his shoulders, getting some fresh paper towels and giving the floor another spray and wipe. “Well, yeah, but they’re both still cats.” He cocked his head. “If you can get something like yarn, he’ll chase it. Or…how about a roll of bandage?”

The expression on Wren’s face said he doubted that would work, but he still took out a bandage, unrolling it a bit and dangling it where L.D. could see it. He made a kissy noise, his cheeks showing his embarrassed blush even under the red lights. “Here, kitty. What’s this? Wouldn’t you rather play with this than that fake rat? If it was real, it would likely taste terrible. And would be absolutely filthy.”

Perking up, L.D. eyed the bandage, his tail flicking up and waving from side to side as he prepared to pounce. When he leaped off the cabinet and attacked the bandage, the rat went flying, ending up under the bed.

“Let him have the roll, it’ll keep him busy for a bit.” Pike grabbed the rat, which had red eyes and patches of fur missing, but the cutest little nose and tiny paws. He read the tag. “Give a little to save a life. Give it all to lose another.” He wrinkled his nose. “I don’t think this is a kink thing.”

Wren let out a soft laugh, shaking his head as he left L.D. with the bandage—which the cat rolled around in, making himself into a furry mummy—and coming to Pike’s side to bend down. “No, it’s a medical thing. Consider the different things you could give that would fit.”

Scanning the room with his brow furrowed, Pike tried to figure out the clue. “Organs? No, they don’t keep any of those here…” The answer hit him and he jumped up, barely missing Wren’s chin and stumbling when his toes throbbed. “Ouch. Oops. Sorry.” He pointed to the special blue fridge where blood was stored. “I’ve never given blood, but you and Curtis have here a lot. But if you gave it all…” He swiped his thumb across his throat and made a croaking sound.

“Very good.” Wren gave him an approving smile that felt just as good as coming from a Dom. Or anyone, really, only more special than some rando because his opinion of Pike mattered. He opened the fridge and took out the next clue, this one on a small, black card, the writing in gold. “Breathe and count for me. The pain will be gone.”

This one, Pike knew. “The ventilator!” He ran over to the corner of the room where the machine was kept, all the docs checking on it regularly to make sure it worked right. “It makes you sleep because of that special medicine.”

“Propofol, for general anesthesia.” Wren joined him, searching over the thing for the next clue, which was hidden under a disposable mask. His brow furrowed. “First thing needed before beginning the procedure?”

Pike snickered, knowing damn well he wouldn’t be able to help with that one. “I don’t think this escape room was for everyone. It’s set up just for you.”

Expression warming, Wren looked around the clinic. “Yes, that’s very likely. Jared would know I’d have come up here at some point, even if only for some quiet. I love it here. It’s still part of our home, a place where he’s never out of reach.” He went to the file cabinet, grinning as he pulled a clue out from in front of the first file. “That one could have been tricky.”

“What was the answer?” Pike padded up to Wren’s side, leaning in to read the next clue, which didn’t look like it was written in English. “I think I’m gonna stick to being the cheering section now.”

“You’re very good at being a cheerleader. Genuine enthusiasm can be excellent to keep others motivated.” Wren gestured to the files. “For the answer, you need to make sure you have the right patient. Verify everything in their file before you do anything. Even if it doesn’t seem necessary here when the doctors are familiar with everyone, it’s a habit that’s very important to form. Unless you want a lawsuit because you accidentally took out someone’s appendix when they came in for a breast reduction.”

“Oh! Duh.” Pike rolled his eyes at himself. “And this one? Is it Russian?”

Snickering, Wren shook his head. “Xerostomia. It’s derived from Greek words, and it means ‘dry mouth’.” Wren pointed to the minifridge. “The next clue will be in there. And it’s likely a reminder to have some water.”

“Good idea.” Pike went to grab them each a bottle, returning with another black card. He didn’t really like water, but it was nice and cold and his mouth had gotten a bit dry. His stomach was growling, too, but he did his best to ignore it.

The game was even more fun than he’d imagined, and being around someone so smart, seeing how his mind worked in a way he didn’t usually get a chance when there was so much going on around the club or with the Core. Doing the first escape room with Reed had been a blast, getting messy and laughing and goofing around. But doing this one with Wren?

He got to enjoy something quieter. A whole different way of looking at the space around him. Usually, he’d either be searching for snacks, or something to play with, unless he was the one getting treated for whatever new injury he’d managed to get. Okay, so that last part had already happened, but now he got to experience something new.

And he didn’t have to worry about getting in the way. Wren wasn’t all take-charge, but he was patient, and he found little ways to let Pike feel useful, which was really nice. When one of the clues led to the warming blankets, he asked Pike to take it out, admitting he didn’t like the heat of them or the texture of the fabric.

Finding the key in the folds was almost disappointing. That meant the game was over. Pike chewed on his bottom lip as he held the key out to the other sub.

Wren took it, studying his face for a minute. “I enjoyed doing this with you. Maybe we can try it with some other things around the club? I can ask Lawson to put you on the schedule with me so I can teach you how to do some of the smaller, safer tasks?”


Pike didn’t usually like chores, or the jobs he had to do in the club around unfamiliar Doms who were complete assholes, or cleaning up other people’s messes, but he liked being in the galley with Keiran, when he got to scrub veggies while chatting and getting to try all the best treats first. Or in the bar, hanging out with Curtis and helping him refill the napkin dispensers, or the sugar, salt, and pepper thingies.

Maybe if he helped Wren out, too, no one would have to worry about what the hell to do with him when he was so bad at…pretty much everything. “That’d be really cool.”

With a nod as though that was settled, Wren motioned Pike to his side and went to unlock another cabinet, a sound of pure joy escaping him as he bent down and lifted out what looked like a doll that had been pulled out of a lake. After having survived a fire that melted half its face.

His eyes shone with amusement at Pike’s stunned look. “Ana found this on one of her camping trips with Tracey and Todd. She was so excited to bring it back to me. She’s only been in my office once, but she was very happy to see it up on a shelf with my other dolls. It’s not kept in a case because she said it would make ‘Melty Baby’ sad. I’m never sure how to act around most kids, but she’s…unique. Straightforward.” He held out the doll, letting Pike hold it while he carefully eased the shoelace around its neck that held the key to the clinic door. “Like you, in some ways.”

Pike grinned, cradling the doll to his chest as he followed Wren out, sticking close while he locked the door behind them. Hearing that Wren didn’t mind him, that he liked spending time with him, felt amazing. So much that he hardly noticed Noah standing there, waiting.

When the Dom clucked his tongue, Pike held his breath, just knowing he was in for it. He couldn’t really blame the guy, even though corner time would suck. Or getting spanked. Or whatever else he might come up with.

You took off without telling anyone. And screwed up your toes.

And probably got in other trouble he hadn’t thought of yet. He was good at that.

Lifted off his feet into big, strong arms, Pike let out a little yelp. Sure, he might’ve earned a punishment, but he got to know what he’d done wrong first, didn’t he? “Unicorn.”

“Do you object to me holding you, scamp?” Noah arched a brow at him. “I’ll put you down, but I figured carrying you would avoid you hurting your feet more. Wren did a very good job of taking care of them.”

Pike shook his head, twisting a bit to face the Dom. “You can hold me for that, but if I was bad, you gotta tell me how before you beat on me. It’s a rule…somewhere.”

That got him a soft laugh as Noah adjusted him in one arm, reaching out his free hand to take Wren’s. “Yes, it’s usually helpful to know, but unless I missed something, you managed to stay out of trouble for over an hour. Well done.”

“Yeah?” Pike glanced over at Wren, who nodded his agreement. “Damn, I usually only pull that off when I’m sleeping.”

“Or snacking.” Wren gave Noah a very serious look as they headed for the security stairs. “He should definitely have something now, sir, before we do anything else, but no sugar. I don’t mind eating a bit as well, but then may I return to the clinic? L.D. was in there and it needs to be cleaned thoroughly…”

Noah shook his head. “No one’s cleaning any more than they have to today, my little bird.” The bloody footprints all gone and the floors gleaming, showed what the Dom had been doing while they’d been figuring out the clues to escape the clinic. “You are under orders to experience every bit of fun you can get out of your party. Tomorrow, we can get up early and scrub everything down.”

“Yes, sir.” Wren padded quietly down the stairs, lips twisting to one side as he glanced up at Noah again. “We also need to find out how L.D. keeps getting out. I suspect he’s found a way to follow Avery through the vents. We may be rivals, but I don’t really want him to get hurt. Pike showed me a trick to get him distracted. It’s almost as good as Jared’s pole trick, though it doesn’t make him into a dust mop. Making him into a regular mop might have come in handy, only then he would have needed a bath so he didn’t give Jamie nightmares.”

Picturing L.D. with red spikes, Pike giggled. “Hey, it’d be one hell of a fashion statement.”

As they rounded the corner to the pool, where the bubbles and snow had been mixed with some kind of coloring to make them glow in the blacklights, Jared came in with Seth, each of them with an arm around Quint. Seth wore a robe and a blissed out expression, a smile curving his lips as he kissed Quint’s temple. The fond glance Jared gave them both was like some kind of throwback and it was suddenly easy to see what they’d all looked like when they’d been a team...and an item.

Observing them for a moment, Noah gave Jared a warm look, like seeing him this happy meant the world to him. A feeling Pike could relate to. He didn’t even try to wiggle away when Noah carried him over to the lounge chairs, sitting on the one beside Lawson and patting his other thigh for Wren to take a seat.

“Matt, would you go grab us a few snacks from what’s left of the buffet?” Noah glanced over at Lawson. “If you’re good with me using your boy for some light service?”

There seemed to be a bit of teasing in the question, and Lawson caught it, too, giving Noah’s arm a light shove. “You may, but you have your arms full of subs, right now, so don’t try to pile mine in. He can get you the snacks. Maybe a drink. That’s it.”

“I’m too big, generally, for laps, sir.” Blue eyes shining, Matt flipped his hair out his eyes with a toss of his head. “Would you prefer beers or whiskey punch, sirs?”

Lawson made a face, shaking his head. “If there’s no bourbon, a beer will be fine, my boy.”

“You’re a strange kind of snob, my man.” Noah patted Lawson’s arm. “It wouldn’t hurt to try it. I’ll have some punch, pup.” He shook his head when Pike opened his mouth. “None for you. Nurse’s recommendation. No more sugar.”

That eliminated like…all food. Pike groaned and slumped back against Noah’s chest. “I guess I’ll just drink out of the pool.” He jumped when Noah slapped his thigh. Looked up at Matt. “Water, please?”

“You got it. And popcorn doesn’t have sugar.” Matt grinned at him like he’d just invented Sub Conspiracy 101. 

Noah inclined his head. “He can have popcorn. Maybe something with protein in it.” He poked Pike in the side, making it impossible to keep sulking and hold back his giggle. “I think your cousin stole all the bulk in the family. Either that or your stomach contains a black hole.”

Joining them on Noah’s opposite side as Matt left to get the snacks, Jared tugged a few of the pool chairs close, reclining one most of the way and making a pillow from a towel for Seth’s head before helping him lay down. He followed up the T.L.C. with Quint, lifting and positioning him in the crook of Seth’s arm. “Good boy. I’ll get you some blankets.”

Eyes opening a bit, Seth rolled his head toward Pike, smiling softly. “Hello, pixie prince.”

“Hello, sir.” Pike kept his voice really quiet, even though, with the music and the laughter echoing off the pool, it probably didn’t matter. He didn’t want to pull his Dom out of his happy zone. “I finished the clinic escape room with Wren. It was awesome.”

Wren nodded, sitting up a bit. “He did very well, sir. I wasn’t sure how everything would turn out, after he’d almost amputated his toe on the stairs. I really should mention that to Curtis, though going up metal steps without shoes is a touch unwise. The slippers should be all right for now…has anyone seen his shoes?”

Coming up from the bottom of the pool, Curtis shook water from his eyes in a giant arc that splattered over Pike, Wren, and Noah. He held up a handful of what appeared to be coins. “This hunting for sunken treasure stuff is genius! I think I see some actual rubies down there. I hope they don’t get into the filtration system.”

While Noah swiped water from his face, then Pike’s, Wren shot to his feet, making a distressed sound. “You’re not supposed to get bandages wet, sir! I need to put new ones on. The stitches won’t heal right. Please keep him there, sir, I’ll go find the medkit.”

Ep.” Jared caught Wren by the waist, swooping him into the air and landing a sound kiss on his lips. “He’s fine, love. The water won’t get through the socks and slippers to any degree, and we’ll keep an eye on it. Trust me.”

Wren relaxed a bit, letting out a measured breath and nodding. “I do, sir. Can you please check, though?” He made a face at Curtis. “And tell Curtis no more splashing. I need to get changed, this is very uncomfortable.”

“I will check him. You may take Jamie with you. He’s about to turn into a prune, he’s been in that pool for so long.” Snapping his fingers at Jamie, who drifted by in the unicorn floatie Curtis had been using earlier, Jared motioned him out of the water. “Eat something, both of you, and—” He brought his lips close to Wren’s ear, speaking loudly enough Pike could make out the words. “—I might have left some human organ specimens in jars in your office earlier. You’ll want to place them where you’d like them before we bring your dolls back upstairs.”

Smiling, Wren nodded again, tugging at his shirt and moving closer to the edge of the pool to wait for Jamie. He slid Curtis a few grumpy looks, which wasn’t that cool, but Pike would let him have this one. His cousin was a goof sometimes.

And those pants would be gross all wet, sticking to him.

“Yo, did you mean to mention the organs and the food together, because…” Pike scraped his teeth over his tongue. “Yuck. Even wouldn’t eat that.”

Stepping past Noah, drip-dripping onto the cement, Jamie slipped his hand in Wren’s. “I had organ lessons as a kid. Lots of pedals and stops. It was a pain. Do not recommend.”

“It’s likely brains, maybe a heart, specially preserved, Jamie.” Wren’s lips slanted a little. “I don’t think they’d taste very good, either, but if it is what our Dom wishes of us, we should at least try.”

Jamie’s, “Cherry,” sounded strange around the gagging cough. 

“Our food should not consist of actual cannibalism, Nurse Raven. We do not eat our scientific specimens.” Jared gave him a mock stern look.

Sighing in a way that was obviously the start to his version of a joke—no wonder he and Curtis always missed every single attempt to make each other laugh…except when it was to admit defeat—Wren gave his Dom a little bow. “I will refrain, sir. I would explore the potential benefits, but I just got my co-sub to safeword. So…maybe we can talk about it later?”

“Especially if you’d like him to apologize for ruining your fun.” Winking at Jamie, Jared set Wren down with a light pat to his ass. “I want you both thoroughly clean, inside and out, before you return down here. You have forty-five minutes.” He glanced at his wrist, which was covered in red leather, no watch in sight, and frowned. “Starting now.”

Tugging Jamie with him, Wren walked at a fast pace, his words coming out in a rush. “As soon as we get to the loft, I’ll separate our tasks into blocks. Divided properly, we’ll be able to accomplish it all and return well within the time limit. I’ll have to pick your clothes for you or the plan will never work. Will you be going back in the pool? Maybe something with velcro.”

“I think we were supposed to get busy, too.” Jamie’s suggestive tone accompanied his eyebrow wag. “I gotta apologize.”

Wren held open the door to the security stairwell exit. Held up his hand to stop Jamie, looking like he was counting the seconds under his breath as he went and fetched Jamie’s shoes. “You need to put these on. Remind me to tell Curtis about the stairs? I guess if you apologize fast that should work. While we shower? We will definitely have to multi-task.”

Watching them leave, Jared stroked Noah’s hair back from his forehead in a repeated caress. “Let me have a look at those toes while your men rest from their exertions, little gremlin.”

“Yes, sir.” Pike scooted to the middle of Noah’s thighs, leaning back so he could stick his feet up in the air. “Wren stitched and glued them all up nice. He even chose cool Band-Aids. And he, like, aced the whole challenge. It was super cool.”

Jared crouched, gently prising the slipper off Pike’s left foot, then his right. “So he did.” He smiled up at Noah. “Our boy is coming along with his bedside manner, and attention to...what does Rhodey call it? Peopling?”

“With the example he has to follow, I’m not the least bit surprised.” Noah bent in close, wrapping his arms around Pike’s waist as he looked down at his toes. His smile was in his tone. “We haven’t had to worry about him getting his hands on tech once today. You getting him all those medical books to study was a really good idea. He’s very motivated.”

Looking over the bandages, Jared used tender touches. “Mhm... The human body is just another machine, after all. Complex and beautiful in ways that metal and wires could never replicate.” Seeming satisfied that Wren had done a bang-up job, the Dom replaced the slippers and stood as Matt came over with a tray of drinks, sandwiches, and bowls of popcorn.

“Thank you, my love.” Lawson claimed his beer, taking a long swig, then giving Noah an amused look as he handed the bottle to Pike. “A few sips won’t hurt. I think his nurse was more concerned with another sugar rush sending him dancing up on tables and risking more injuries to patch up.”

Noah lifted a brow at him, which made it real hard to decide whether or not to accept the offered beer. “I believe we agreed he was having water?”

“I didn’t see him agree to anything. And that wasn’t an order.”

“You’re just trying to find a way to spoil the subs, now that I’m being more cuddly with them.”

Handing Pike a chocolate milk carton, Matt took advantage of the bickering to give him that bit of forbidden sugar, along with a wink. “Protein.”

“You’re the best, Matty-kins.” Pike blew him a kiss, sucking hard on the straw to get as much chocolatey goodness as he could before the Doms stopped distracting each other and noticed him being a little naughty. “Wanna share the popcorn? It’s even more fitting now.”

“How’s’at?” Already munching on the offered handful, Matt plunked down on the concrete.

Meanwhile,  Curtis executed a cannonball off the diving board with a, “Whoop!”

Snickering at his cousin’s antics, Pike wiggled back against Noah’s chest. He gave Matt a pointed look as the ‘debate’ continued over his head.

“You were always good at cuddling, admit it.” Lawson ended up grabbing Noah’s punch this time instead of his beer, from the table between them. Making a face, he stared at the thing like it had just insulted his mother. Or worse, Pike didn’t know the woman, so maybe she’d’ve deserved it. “All right, I’ll agree he shouldn’t have this. I don’t think anyone besides a hummingbird should have this.”

“Or Reed.” Emerging from the pool in a cascade of water like an O’Rourke version of the Greek gods, Curtis snatched the punch away from Lawson to down it. “Sorry. All that salt. Made me thirsty.”

Noah huffed, reclining on the chair and bringing Pike with him. “That was mine. You can replace it while you get yourself some water.”

Is water the new punishment around here? Because I could live with that.

Sticking out his tongue, which had turned red from the punch, Curtis retreated to the food and drinks tables. “Reed, you want a tuna on rye or a bologna and cheese that’s labeled ‘sliced murderer tongue’?”

“Tongue, please, sir.” Reed scooted up close to Curtis’ side, eyeing the brightly colored punch bowls. He made a face. “Which one’s the non-booze one? I’m having fun and all, but I don’t wanna risk it.”

Curtis ladeled up a little of each, sipping from separate glasses, then pointed to the punch without the orange slices floating in it. “That’s the Reed Approved Punch.” He filled a glass, handing it to his boy, and wiggled his hips. “Like my new Speedo?”

Crouching down, Reed looked it over as he sipped his drink. “Damn, sir. I thought you’d decided to just go skinny dipping. That thing’s so small it’s like it’s not even there.”

Lawson choked on his beer so hard, Noah sat up and pounded him on the back.

“I hope you mean the bathing suit, because from what I can tell from here, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the size of Curtis’ reproductive organs.” Jared had taken a seat on the end of Noah’s deck chair, where the bubbles had begun to drift in on an unseen breeze when someone had opened the door to the tunnel.

“Aw, Jared. I didn’t know you cared enough to notice.” Handing Reed a plate with his ‘tongue’ sandwich and a mound of chips that had been liberally sprinkled with a selection of gummy treats, Curtis lifted his own to reapproach them.

Reed came over to sit beside Matt on the floor, plucking out the gummy bears and chewing on them as he spoke. “I meant the suit. His dick is massive. The subs here are all spoiled.”

“Dude, not all of us.” Pike adjusted a bit on Noah’s lap, talking around a mouthful of popcorn. “But yeah, of course he’s fu—reakin’ hung. He got the size and the brains in the family. But I’m cuter.”

“What do you mean you’re not spoiled?” Seth sounded a little grumbly, but a peek at his face said he was teasing. “I think I have the goods, thanks very much.”

Jared patted Seth’s thigh fondly. “You do all right, Bizzy. Let’s not get into a literal pissing match though. I have no desire to see you all sending each other dick pics in person.”

Lips parted, Pike shook his head. “I didn’t mean… Sir, I ain’t seen my cousin’s dick close up like that. You’re massive. I meant he hasn’t screwed all the subs. I’m always gonna be the exception. Obvious.”

Lawson was coughing again, shifting over before Noah reached for another back pounding. “I’m quite all right.” He inhaled roughly, his eyes tearing with laughter. “Pike, your cousin hasn’t slept with all the subs in the Core.”

Popping his eyebrows, Curtis stole a few chips from Reed’s plate. “Haven’t I? Wouldn’t you like to know...”

“I would know.” Lawson reached up to grab a handful of Curtis’ hair, dragging him down for a kiss. “You like to kiss and tell.”

“Only because it’s so much fun to reap the rewards.” Speaking against Lawson’s lips, Curtis breathed a laugh. “Voyeur.”

Lawson chuckled, not letting go of Curtis’ hair as he encouraged him to sit on the edge of his chair. “Sometimes. Mostly, I like how much it turns you on to relive all your conquests. As much as I might discourage bragging? It’s hot when you do it. Don’t ever stop.”

As Lawson spoke, Curtis’ grin turned a bit goofy, his cheeks going pink. “If I’d known the day you followed Noah home you’d turn out to be one of the best damned things to ever happen to all of us, I wouldn’t have given you such a hard time. Even if it was adorable when you got pissed. Now? I like seeing you like this. Surrounded by your boys.”

Letting out a pleased sound, Noah rested his chin on Pike’s shoulder. “You were both adorable—when I didn’t want to strangle you. Probably even then. I never would have figured either of you would turn out like this. I knew you’d make something of yourselves, but…yeah.” He chuckled. “I feel like a proud papa.”

The shit eating grin on Curtis’ face, in Pike’s experience, could only spell trouble. “Does that mean I can call you ‘Daddy’?”

“Ew, no.” Reed waved a lollipop he’d pulled out of some magic place at his Dom, wrinkling his nose. “Sugar. And Noah’s like, what? Two years older than you and Lawson? Maybe three? Don’t be any freakier than we already are.” His lips twitched. “Besides, Jared is Daddy.”

“You can be younger than someone and be a Daddy.” Propped up on one elbow, cheek on his hand, Seth petted Quint’s face as he met Reed’s eyes. “And it’s not that kind of father figure.” His lips slanted. “Anyone here ever do any priest play?”

Sitting up a bit straighter, knees bent—probably so he had somewhere to put his lollipop—Reed looked over at Seth. “I know that, sir. It’s just weird for me because it’s Noah and…yeah. I call Curtis ‘Daddy-o’ which is almost the same thing, without the daddy kink. We’re…us.” He shrugged. “But priest play could be interesting. I think there was a costume in the stash Jacks brought down.”

From the tower, which had a bit of a deliberate crooked look to it, Jacks piped up. “I think Jared did that back in the day. I remember a leather cassock I wanted to get my hands on to study.”

“Is that like the stocks, sir?” Danny’s voice drifted down, a bit quieter, but echoing with the vast space around the pool. He groaned. “No thank you, sir, I don’t need to look down to see how high we are. Drew can wear the long wig. It’s prettier on him.”

“And covers my ugly hair.” Drew’s voice was sleepy.

Coming out of his office at a soft rap at his door from Rhodey, who’d shown up beside the pool out of nowhere, Stephan listened to him for a minute, then nodded, heading for the tower. “I think it’s nap time for my boy. Come on, Drew. You can play dress up with Danny some other time.”

A shuffling preceded the rolling down of a rope ladder that Drew used to climb down. The soft pad of his footed pajamas against the rungs registered as the song turned over. “Thank you, sir. I was worried I was going to starve up there. We only had carrot sticks and grapes, and I haven’t had any cake even though this was supposed to be a party.”

“Come snuggle with Koda and I’ll get you a bit of everything, love.” Stephan pressed a kiss to the top of Drew’s head. “Pick a fun movie to watch. If you’re not too tired after your nap, you can come back out for cake.”

Drew smiled sleepily up at his Dom, hugging him around the waist. “Thank you, sir.”

The door to the security stairs opened, a booming voice registering across the pool before a guy in a cop uniform appeared. “Special delivery for the birthday boy!”

Noah frowned, lifting Pike as he stood, then setting him down on his chair before stepping forward. “I don’t remember anything like this in the arrangements. You know better than to come here wearing that, Towne.”

Looking a little sheepish, Towne scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, but I can’t be seen here on unofficial business, so...” He shrugged, then dug into his pocket and held out a plastic badge with Wren’s face on it along with a set of keys, handing them to Noah. “I got the coroner to agree to let him come in and observe an autopsy, then there’s an all access pass to the crematorium.”

“Fine. Thank you.” Noah’s tone was a bit gruff, but it was clear he was trying to keep his cool. “Go with Jacks. Jacks, get down here. Give him something else to wear. Anything else.”

Jacks scrambled out of the tower, tripping over long skirts that had lots of white fluffy stuff underneath. “I think there’s a pair of swim trunks if you’re sticking around. Or maybe I can get the Zorro costume...”

The uncertain look disappeared from Towne’s naturally tanned features, his lips lifting. “Yeah? I can stay?”

“Yes. Now go.” Lawson moved to Noah’s side, putting a hand on his arm. “It’s all right. Sit down. Breathe.” He glanced over at Avery, who’d come in behind Towne and was standing close to Rhodey. “Go make sure Wren and Jamie aren’t on their way back down. Bring them to the galley to help Keiran if you need to.”

“Yes, sir.” Avery slipped away as quietly as he’d come in, while Jacks drew Towne toward the changing rooms off the pool. 

“Noah, would you mind very much getting me some of that punch and a few of those puff pastries?” Stealing Pike off Noah’s seat, Jared relaxed back with him in his lap.

Nodding, Noah inhaled and exhaled a few times, rubbing his hand over his mouth before he gave Lawson a reassuring look. He glanced back at Jared. “Yes, I’ll get that for you, my love. But not the punch. You won’t like it anymore than Lawson did.”

The atmosphere in the room had changed a bit. Not in a bad way, compared to how things had gone down in the past, but it was like the whole pulse of the place relied on Noah. Even Quint, who’d been fast asleep, was sitting up now. He didn’t move, more seemed to observe, waiting to see what would happen next.

When Noah went to the table and started preparing Jared’s plate and drink, the collectively held breath came out all at once, even though Pike couldn’t actually hear it.

He wasn’t all that good at whispering, but he spoke behind his hand to Jared as soft as he could. “Noah really don’t like cops, do he?”

Jared pressed a kiss to Pike’s ear. “I’ll explain later, little gremlin.”

“Yes, sir.” Pike settled back, the solidness of the Dom’s chest, the way he’d stayed calm, like nothing weird was happening, making it easier to relax himself.

Back on his chair, Lawson watched Noah like he wanted to go to him, his hand smoothing over Matt’s hair in a steady, rhythmic motion.

Catching his eye, Jared nodded, mouthing something that Pike couldn’t see.

Lawson inclined his head, standing and crossing along the side of the pool. Something about him being there, talking to Noah, seemed like it eased all the tension from the other Dom’s shoulders.

Even Rhodey, who’d stuck close to the far side of the pool doing his ‘just chilling out here, but actually guarding all you fuckers’ thing, seemed more comfortable with the whole situation. He lifted a flas, his gaze meeting Jared’s with his own small nod.

A pleased hum escaping his lips, Jared settled Pike closer. His arms tightened around Pike’s waist in a little hug. “You’re good for cuddling. Not nearly as squirmy as either of my and Noah’s boys.”

Grinning, Pike peered up at Jared. “It’s nice and warm and you’re more comfy than the floor.” He lowered his voice to a mock whisper. “Someone’s gotta save Matt and Reed from it. If they wiggle too much, there’s extra towels to wrap them up in.”

Reed groaned, shaking his head. “How many times I gotta tell you not to give Doms ideas? They come up with plenty on their own.”

“Towel torture. Very interesting idea, little gremlin.” Leaning forward with Pike, Jared tweaked Reed’s nose. “Go make sure Curtis isn’t unpleasantly surprised himself in that dressing room with Towne. They have had an understanding for years, but the last time they were alone together he bet the man he couldn’t eat two dozen donuts in one sitting and ended up costing the club an extra thousand for its liquor license.”

Pushing to his feet, Reed quickly nodded, searching the pool area like he was surprised his other Dom had disappeared without him noticing. He snapped his fingers. “That’s right, I was having that strange Daddy talk with Seth. He probably felt weird, having that kinda chat in a Speedo. Damn mercs are sneaky.” He glanced at Seth. “No offense.”

“None taken.” One naked leg poking from between the flaps of the Asylum robe he wore, Seth stretched his right arm into the air before bringing it around Quint’s waist to tug him close. “I’d be very bad at my job if I couldn’t do a little sneaking.”

The edge of Pike’s lips twitched up as he absorbed the rare peaceful moment his Dom and his co-sub shared outside of their loft. He might still be picking different stuff up about the club politics, and the lifestyle in general, but he wasn’t completely clueless. Jared had been involved in giving them this.

In The Asylum, the connections between the Core weren’t just a way to get a bit more kinky fun. Sure, that part could be awesome, but when Pike wasn’t playing around and getting into mischief, when he was scared, or overwhelmed, or needed to be held, he clearly saw the foundation of this place. The pillars that kept it standing.

He might not be one of the stronger ones, but he’d do his part the best he could.

Even if all he could really do was sink into a Dom’s hold who’d made it clear he cared about him. Take a day to celebrate a man who quietly maintained the home they loved so much, who shored up the defenses in his own way.

So far, Wren’s birthday seemed like it was giving everyone a reason to mend fences, strengthen bonds, and really enjoy this place for all it was worth.

His gaze went to Noah, and he remembered how the Dom’s arms had felt around him. The small shift in the way he treated Pike. There’d been something more there from the moment Pike had walked out of the clinic with Wren. Not just a tough Dom who’d put up with him for Curtis. Who’d keep him in line because two more mercs, two more doctors, were valuable to have in the ranks.

Pike had earned what he’d been craving the most since he’d decided to stay.





PART Seventy-Seven




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