LOVE & STITCHES at The Asylum Part Seven


Okay, I missed the back-to-back plans by a day, but hopefully it's just in time to brighten up your Monday!

Happy Reading!









There were several things around The Asylum Jared could predict would go wrong without the help of the moon and stars. Conflict between Noah and Lawson? Almost a given. Some kind of strange injury to keep him, Quint, Seth—or all three—busy? Might as well be a Tuesday.

But the injured being Avery from falling off his silks?

This is new. And...the last thing any of us need.

Jaw tensing, Rhodey gave a sharp nod to Dallas’ report, striding past Jared and Dallas into the bar. “I thought we left the dumb ass injuries to the other idiots around here. What’s the issue, my little snake? Did you go and let yourself get sick again?”

Exchanging a look with Dallas, Jared left the cigar lounge with him to step up underneath Avery’s perch. Rhodey’s sub sat on a rafter among the fake cobwebs Reed had begun helping Wren place to decorate for Halloween, gazing down at them all. Dark hair spiked—a bit of blue at the ends where he and Keiran had fun with Pike’s dye one drunken Monday night when the Doms were too in their cups to notice—over navy eyes that appeared unfocused.

“Get him down, Rhodey.” Jared said, as Avery began to slide off the rafter of his own accord. “No. Don’t move, Avery.”

Avery stilled, wobbling. “Yeshir.”

Letting out a low growl, Rhodey jumped up, grabbing a rafter and hefting himself to his boy’s eye level with one hand, using the other to get a hold of Avery. He lowered to his feet with his boy against his chest. “If I find out you and Keiran have been testing his poisons again, you’ll get worse than the belt this time.”

“Nope.” Avery’s solemn headshake was followed by a burst of giggles.

Jared clucked his tongue. “He’s high, Rhodey.”

“Why in the world would you let yourself get high again? Don’t you remember you and Keiran getting fucking lost last time?” Rhodey let out an irritated grunt as he sat Avery on a table. “And now you’re hurt. I should chain you in the pool and leave you there for an hour. That would sober you up.”

“In addition to teaching him to grow gills so he could breathe underwater?” Mentally shutting out the din in the bar, Jared stepped up to Avery to take his pulse. He frowned at the thunder of beats beneath his fingertips. “What the hell did you get into?”

Avery tipped his head back, swaying to some internal music only he heard, because it certainly didn’t match the beat of what Jamie and Danny played. “Trouble?” Brow furrowing, Avery appeared to be attempting to concentrate. “And coffee. Lots of coffee.”

“Sir, it was an accident.” Coming up behind Avery, Keiran wrapped his arms around him and kissed the top of his head. “Matt was testing a brew and left it there while we were unpacking the shipment this morning. Avery drank most of it while he was waiting for us.” He winced as he gazed up at Rhodey. “You can’t punish him for this.”

“I absolutely can, he knows to test his food and drink and so do you.” Rhodey’s eyes narrowed at Keiran. “But since you want to play hero, you can go first. After explaining to me how Matt apparently managed to hide the taste so well. Maybe you can learn a thing or two from him.”

Coming in the front door, arms full of drink carriers, Matt entered as Rhodey said his name. He paused, sunlight spilling in behind him, likely getting the gist of the conversation, given that he walked right back out. 

“Matt.” Lawson pushed off his stool, waving Matt in before the door could close. It was clear his first cup of coffee had done him some good. “Come, my boy, you’re not in trouble. This was a mistake, that’s all.”

Relief stained Matt’s cheeks pink, but he still threw Rhodey a sidelong glance, giving him a wide berth as he crossed the bar to Lawson. Drink trays settled onto the bar, he assumed a pretty wait pose.

“Rhodey, your boy has had a mix of uppers and downers. His heart is straining to keep up with the mixed signals.” Waving Quint over, Jared consulted with him. “We need a line. Fluids to flush this crap out, and I need to know what exactly he’s on besides enough caffeine to kill a horse.”

Nodding, Quint glanced at Rhodey. “If you could bring him to the clinic, sir, we’ll get him set up.” He turned his attention to Matt. “Is this mix of yours still in the café? I’ll go get a sample to test.”

“Y-yes, sir?” Matt shook his head. “I mean Quint. Sorry.” Rolling his lips between his teeth, he plucked up a presumably non-laced coffee to hand to Lawson. “I’d have to ask the guy who sold it to me, but it was street marajuana. No big deal since it’s legal and all now.”

Reed shuddered and shook his head. “ Not how that works, my man. I’m just...okay, I’m not glad Avery got to it instead of me, but I ain’t ever gonna mess with something like that again.”

The red haze racing over Jared’s vision obscured his path to the bar and Matt, but when it cleared, he had a pretty good idea of why Lawson had knocked him back a pace. Growling, Jared fisted his hands. “He. Would. Have. Fucking. Died.”

“You will watch your tone when you speak to my boy, Jared.” Lawson’s dark green eyes narrowed as he kept half his body in front of Matt, shielding him. “Everything Reed eats and drinks is carefully monitored. This shouldn’t have happened, and I’m sorry Avery is unwell, but this will be handled as poor judgment. By me.”

Jamie’s music had stopped, and the entire bar had gone quiet. Curtis stepped up to Reed, tucking him under his arm as they came to stand with Lawson to show a united front. Flexing and fisting his hands, Jared attempted to rein in his temper.

“Like fuck you’re handling this yourself.” Already across the bar with Avery, holding the gym door open with his shoulder, Rhodey speared Lawson with a cold glare. “Once my boy is tended to, we’re going to have some words. And I’ll be deciding Matt’s punishment. Or you can find someone else to secure the fucking café.”

Tears spilled down Matt’s cheeks, leaving a wet trail. “It’s alright, sir.” He threw Reed a bereft look. “I’m so sorry. I’ll take any punishment. I didn’t think.” His gaze skipped to Lawson, as he repeated himself. “I didn’t think. I got distracted and wanted to experiment since some places are selling drinks like this now.” Palms opening, he turned to Rhodey. “Please, forgive me? You’ve done so much and I know this was a crappy way to repay your hard work.”

“Tell me how forgiving you’d be if Reed or Lawson were the ones who were spending the rest of their day in the clinic. Or worse.” Rhodey shoved the door open a bit wider, moving past it, careful not to jar Avery. “Like I said. We’ll talk.”

Reaching back, Lawson pulled Matt to his chest, rubbing his back. “Shh, I’ve got you, my boy. You made a mistake and you’ll do better. Next time, come to me when you have an idea like this, I’ll help you think it through.”

“I’ll be in the damned clinic if anyone needs me.” Stalking away from the sound of Matt’s gut-deep sobs, Jared left much the way Rhodey had, wishing the gym doors didn’t swing so he could slam one.

“Wait, sir.” Slipping through the doors a second before they closed, Danny rushed to his side and took his hand. “Can I come to the clinic with you? Shea and Jacks are still sleeping and...I really want to say goodbye to Avery if something goes terribly wrong.” Tears tipped over his lashes. “I should have read his horoscope, I could have warned him.”

Jared stared down at his and Danny’s joined hands, running his thumb over the backs of his knuckles. “Yes, little mouse.” He met Danny’s gaze, bringing up the fingers of his free hand to dry his tears. “Best not to mention the horoscopes to Rhodey right now though. Or the possibility—however remote—of his very healthy boy succumbing to Matt’s concoction.” He shook his head. “What gets into your heads is beyond me.”

“With the horoscope? Oh, that’s easy. I didn’t sleep last night, I was making sure Jacks’ foot didn’t start bleeding again. Ashley sent me her new video about these books and I watched it a few dozen times. I remembered she’d sent me one.” Danny sniffed. “So I read it. It confirms some of the worst things I thought could happen, and added some new ones.”

Hefting Danny into his arms, Jared carried him toward the clinic across the gym as he spoke. The quiet echoes of his footfalls were an eerie accompaniment to his voice. “I don’t often lay down the law with you, Daniel, but you’re forbidden from reading what Wren and I jokingly call horrorscopes in the future.” He pushed into the clinic. “I will enforce this if necessary, but I hope I won’t need to.”

“Yes, sir. I just...Ashley did so much for me, I thought this was a way to repay her a little.” Danny rested his head on Jared’s shoulder. “But it is...kind of scary. Maybe I don’t want to know if tomorrow will go bad. And I definitely don’t want to upset you.”

“That’s my good boy.” Jared crossed into the procedure room, setting Danny down on the large guest chair Curtis had crafted to seat two people just inside the doorway. “There’s a saying, ‘energy follows thought’. If you put energy toward bad things, bad things will likely happen.” Smoothing Danny’s soft tufts back from his forehead, Jared pressed a kiss on his upturned lips then pulled back. “Practice putting some good energy out there, love.” He glanced over his shoulder where Quint had hung a bag and started a line for Avery. “I need to do an EKG. You’re sure this won’t distress you, my little Despereaux?”

“I can cover my eyes.” Danny lifted his hands over his face, muffling his voice as he spoke behind them. “Are you okay, Avery? I am sending you all the good energy. And some more energy to make sure the clinic survives the storm, it’s probably too late to stop that.”

Avery gave Danny a thumbs-up the other sub couldn’t see. “Shallgood, my dude.”

Petting Avery’s hair, Rhodey watched Quint, then let out a heavy sigh. “Killing drug dealers is beneath me, but I might make an exception. Or I’ll have Keiran do it. He’ll enjoy that.”

“What I don’t understand...” Jared squinted at the monitor while he attached the leads to Avery’s chest and sides. “Is how Matthew managed to get them without one of you busybody mercs noticing.” His lips thinned as the blip of Avery’s heart rhythm appeared on the screen. “Everyone needs to stop messing about in storerooms and pay more attention to what’s in front of their faces.” A strip of paper rolled from the EKG printer at the press of his finger on a button. “Including me. Well, not the storerooms.”

Rhodey grunted, keeping his eyes on the rise and fall of Avery’s chest. “It was probably one of his customers, that’s the only thing that would make sense. I haven’t been listening in on conversations there as much as I should have. I could have avoided this.” He snapped his fingers without shifting his gaze. “Stay awake, Danny, you’re going to fall out of that chair.”

“Hm.” Jared glanced Danny’s way, lifting his gaze from the readout. “Grab a pillow and blanket, and settle in on the floor if you don’t want to set up the cot, love.” He returned his attention to the irregular lines on the paper. “A-fib.” Sighing gustily, he met Quint’s blue eyes. “It’ll likely resolve when the drugs are out of his system, as long as the heart muscle isn’t damaged. Which it shouldn’t be, given his age and health.”

“I agree, but I’d like to monitor him for a few days to be sure.” Quint ran his tongue over his teeth, turning his attention to Rhodey. “So long as I don’t have to worry about Pike getting the wrong kind of attention from you.”

Quickly shaking his head, Rhodey took Avery’s hand in his. “You won’t have to worry about a damn thing with the boy ever again if you help Avery get better, I promise you that.”

Promises from Rhodey were like rain in the Sahara. You couldn’t count on them coming around more than once in a blue moon, but when they did, they bore fruit. Keeping his thoughts about silver linings to himself, Jared gave Rhodey a long look. 

“I’ll get him a holter monitor and have the alarms go to my and Quint’s smartwatches so you can bring him upstairs in a few hours.” Jared squeezed Rhodey’s shoulder. “No beatings. Or sex...or caffeine. Until I say.”

Nodding, Rhodey pressed his lips together until they turned white. “That won’t be an issue. And, Avery? You are forbidden from moving a fucking muscle until say so. Get used to being waited on hand and foot. Keiran’s going to be unbearable and you’re going to enjoy every fucking second of it.”

Gaze a little clearer, Avery smiled up at his Dom. “Yes, sir. But does the no beatings thing apply to me or to you? That could be lucky for Keiran if he’s going to be cranky.”

“All beatings on hold, I don’t want you to feel like you’re missing out.” Rhodey bent down to kiss Avery’s cheek. “I think I’m going to start being as paranoid about what you eat as Quint is with Pike. I thought it was just annoying, but the big softy might have the right idea.”

Danny let out a happy sigh from where he’d curled up with a few blankets and a pillow under the chair. “That’s a very good idea, sir. And not because I read it in a thing I will absolutely not be reading anymore.”

“Good boy.” Crouching down, Jared snugged the blanket up to Danny’s chin, listening to Quint putter around making Avery comfortable. “Do you wish to remain in here with your Dom, or to come with me back to the bar?”

Not opening his eyes, Danny wrinkled his nose. “Since Avery’s going to be okay, I’d very much like to leave the clinic, sir. I keep picturing Jacks and all that blood all over me. Why do people bleed so much? It’s disturbing.”

“Because...” Tipping his head to one side, Jared attempted to put things into a perspective Danny would understand. “There’s extra blood so you won’t immediately die from a pinprick. If there weren’t so much of it, that would be a bad thing.”

Letting out a soft laugh, Rhodey glanced over at them. “I’m not sure why anyone ever worries I’ll turn him into a merc. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone less suited for the job. Jamie’s cat would be a better recruit.”

Jared stood, throwing Rhodey a mock frown. “You mean you didn’t conscript L.D. already and he’s just that way on his own?”

“Natural talent.” Rhodey went back to petting Avery’s hair, clucking his tongue as Danny began to rise up on his knees. “You’re going to hit your head on that chair.”

“Now I know why Curtis made it over-large.” Plucking Danny out from under the chair, Jared dusted him off with a few playful swats to his backside. “So puppies could fit underneath.” He pushed Danny toward Rhodey for a cuddle. “And I’ll let Matthew know he’s off the hook since there are no beatings from you for a while. I’m sure he’ll be relieved.”

That got him an arch look as Rhodey gave Danny a one armed hug, his hand resting on Avery’s chest. Letting Danny go, he adjusted the blanket around his shoulders. “Define beating?” He put his hand on Danny’s shoulder, turning him to send him back to Jared. “If my little pup can keep maneuvering this place with his eyes closed, there might be hope for him yet.”

“Well, Lawson has never taken a belt to him that I know of.” Jared caught Danny around the waist, stopping him before he walked into the doorframe. “So, that’s out. Looks like you’ll need to settle for listening in on the stern talking to he’ll get after his nervous breakdown.” Rhodey really had a way of stripping someone down to their core when pissed off. Much like Noah. “Come on, my little Despereaux. Hop up here.” He opened his arms. “I’ll carry you. We’ll see if we can rival Jamie for the fewest steps on his exercise tracker in a year.”

Holding the blanket at his throat, Danny hopped a bit awkwardly, looping an arm around the back of Jared’s neck, his eyes squeezed shut tight. “I get lots of steps with Shea on the treadmill, but even more with Avery and Keiran. They make me go faster and if I quit we have to play a scary game. And it’s not allowed to be sexy anymore. So I never quit.”

“Tell your boys they’re not allowed to make Danny burn more calories than he consumes, Rhodey.” This entire merc-meets-mouse game was not something he was a fan of. “Come out to the bar when these two go upstairs, Quint. I’ll watch Pike until then if my nemesis isn’t already out there.” He turned to leave, then came back to stare down at Avery, who’d fallen into a restless sleep. “Would you like me to ask Lawson if I can assign Matthew’s punishment?”

Rhodey lifted his head, giving him one of the few grateful smiles that had ever graced his lips. “Yes, I’d appreciate that, my man. As much of a monster as everyone thinks I am, I wouldn’t punish a sub when I’m this angry. Well, except that one time I spanked Jamie for messing around during a bomb scare, but I’ve decided that doesn’t count.”

Jared snorted softly. “I heard him confessing to Noah later that if you were his Dom he’d ‘shit himself on the regular’ and never act out.” Adjusting Danny, he leaned down to where Rhodey had finally sat in the solid wood chair Quint had brought him, brushing his lips with a chaste kiss. “Let me know if there’s anything ‘special’ you’d like me to incorporate. I’m thinking I’ll keep it simple.”

“I imagine burning down the café isn’t an option?” Rhodey lifted his shoulders, then ran his hand up and down Danny’s back. “I’ll keep in mind what you said about the exercising. I liked that he was trying to keep up with my boys, but it’s probably not good for him. Why is he sleeping again? He’s not sick too, is he?”

Kissing Danny’s forehead for good measure, Jared tested his temperature. “No. Just tired. He had nightmares about Jacks. Or something.” He thought back, wrinkling his brow. “It’s all run together at this point. I feel as if I’ve been up for three days rather than three hours.”

Picking up the blanket Danny had dropped at some point, Quint put it back around him, tucking it against Jared’s chest. “Why don’t you sit in the bar and enjoy some coffee. Maybe restart the morning in a more pleasant way? I have everything handled here, sir.”

“Thank you, my boy.” Jared’s gaze dipped to Quint’s mouth. “I appreciate it. Did you get enough rest last night? If not, I’ll find Seth.”

Quint smiled and shook his head. “No, but I’ll be bringing Pike up for a nap later and enjoying one with him. Hopefully he’ll get his healthy appetite back, he always sleeps best after his second lunch.”

Arms snug around Danny, Jared noted the way his weight relaxed into his chest and shoulder the more deeply he slept. “Don’t feed him too much, or you won’t be able to carry him around.” He winked to show he was teasing. “Alright. I’m hungry. If anyone else gets hurt, I’m sending them to the E.R.” Which reminded him... “Oh, and Reed and I are going to a glass blowing studio on Saturday if you and Pike would like to come, Quint.”

“Thank you for the invitation, sir, but Pike around glass and extreme heat?” Quint shuddered, shaking his head. “Probably not a good way to reduce the injuries that plague this place. A third of them are him and Curtis alone. But it’s given Wren some excellent practice, I’m impressed with how quickly he can handle simple procedures now.”

In the doorway, Jared nodded his agreement. “Which is why I’ll be looking into bringing someone in who can train him for his C.N.A. and then R.N.” Jared took in the clinic with his sweeping gaze. “We need a nurse, and he needs to do something besides feel like he’s going to pay for his crimes with a life sentence.”

“I agree. And as much as I appreciate how well he cleans everything, his skills could go to better use than refolding all the sheets in the building to an exact specification.” Quint’s lips curved. “He would’ve done well in the military in that regard.”

Jared inclined his head. “He enjoys when I ‘play’ inspection with him.” His brows rose with his grin, and he felt a little like Curtis. “And so do I.”

“That doesn’t surprise me at all, sir.” Quint let out a soft laugh. “I heard costumes mentioned. I know Wren enjoys things on the creepier side, but he’d be very handsome in a uniform.”

“Hm.” Interest stirring, Jared shifted his weight to his opposite leg. “I’ll speak with Jacks about that when we talk over the costumes for Wren’s birthday. It’s a surprise, so no talking about it where he can overhear or is likely to listen to the tapes.” Speaking of... “Rhodey, my man, who took my case last night? Did we ever find out?”

Looking over from where he’d been staring at Avery’s monitor , Rhodey nodded. “Wren got a decent visual, but I don’t recognize the member. I’m going to have Lawson take a look. They must be a member since they were in here, but Wren couldn’t find their file.”

“One of Vani’s?” She had both the means and the access, for the most part.

“Better not be, she knows better than to fuck with those who are mine.” Rhodey fussed with Avery’s blankets. “Tell Keiran to go up to our loft and get the bed ready for Avery. With Avery’s favorite blanket—the fluffy one he thinks I don’t know he loves.”

Avery’s lips tipped up, his eyes closed. “Thank you, sir.” He turned his head, blinking awake. “Am I allowed to get up to pee? All this fluid is making me have to go.”

Jared shook his head, jutting his chin toward a plastic jug on the counter that Quint had laid out for that purpose. “Have fun getting funky with your Dom, my boy.”

“Don’t worry, my little viper. I’ve got you.” Rhodey began to position Avery, then lifted his brow at Jared. “Some privacy, if you don’t mind?”

“Gladly.” Tone dry, he tried not to smirk. The little things in this job kept him going sometimes. “Come, Danny. Let’s get you to your Doms.” He prayed the men were in a good space today, because he hadn’t killed anyone recently, and he’d like to keep up his record. 

Back in the bar, he quickly scanned the space. Lawson and Matt in their place, Jamie with Reed and Curtis, Pike—oddly—with Noah at the booth, and Jacks and Shea closest to the galley. Seth must’ve been on duty with Connor, who never seemed to sleep. On his way to the galley to find Keiran, Jared paused by Shea.

“He’s sleeping.” Voice quiet, for what reason he didn’t know because Danny was dead to the world, Jared handed Shea his boy. He took in Jacks’ with a quick toe-to-head sweep. “How’s the foot?”

Peeking over at Danny, peeling the blanket back from his face, Jacks softened his gaze. “Good. A little ibuprofen and those crutches—” He indicated the ones leaned against the bar. “—and I’m pretty mobile.”

“Mobile enough to do a project for me?” Keeping his tone quiet for a different reason, Jared double-checked that Wren wasn’t in the bar. 

Jacks’ brows rose expectantly. “Sure? If I can.”

“Halloween. It’s Wren’s birthday.” Jared spared Shea a glance to include him in the conversation. “We’re doing a haunted house. I need every favorite slasher movie costume from every villain on each of the Core.” He pointed in the general direction of the little groups about the room. “For a surprise party.”

Arms around Danny, chin on top of his head, Shea grinned. “I have so many ideas, I can definitely help. Consider prop duty mine. And Danny can be Cujo. He’ll...all right, he probably won’t love it, but he’d do it for Wren.”

“I can borrow Curtis’ chainsaw and be that guy in that movie.” Pike scooted over, grabbing a piece of toast from the plate in front of Jacks. “And I can do the costume makeup for everyone.”

“As long as he takes the battery out of the chainsaw first.” Having promised to watch Pike, Jared realized he’d actually need to do so, especially since Seth wasn’t there. He groaned inwardly. “Ask the nice Dom if you can eat his food before taking it, Pike, or I’ll check you for worms again.”

Pike made a face, looking over Jacks’ plate. “But if I ask he’ll say no. He wasn’t looking, totally doesn’t count.”

Palm itching, Jared inclined his head. Did beating the little brat break his trust with Quint? “Perhaps you can spend the afternoon in the corner? It would be difficult to be tempted by food with your face away from the room.”

“Starving me is a human rights violation.” Pike huffed, then gave Jacks a pitiful look. “Can I have a bite of whatever you’re not eating? Keiran’s making muffins—he put extra blueberry ones on for Danny, I promise I won’t eat them all again, I didn’t know they’re the only ones he likes.”

Jacks stretched his arms over his head, showing off his midriff in a short black tank with a fanged cartoon rabbit on the front. “It’s alright, Jared. I was done. Let him hoover up the rest.” He glanced at his plate, dropping his arms. “Can’t put meat in the compost bin anyway.”

Grinning at Jacks, Pike squeezed in the small space on the chair beside him. “You fucking rock, dude. I didn’t know we had strawberries. And Keiran cuts them all fancy.” He tore open a sugar pack and poured it over the fruit. And the meat. “I’ve never been so hungry in my life, but Quint said I’m only allowed to ask Keiran for three meals a day. Quint makes me the rest, but he’s busy so...yeah.”

It was a toss-up, whether to call out Pike for swearing and soap his mouth or to let him enjoy the food. Erring on the side of not inducing vomiting with an application of the gritty pink liquid from the men’s room, Jared decided to go easy on the sub.

“When you’re done eating, you may ask me for a punishment for swearing, and I’ll give you a choice of mouth soaping or a spanking.” There. That was more than fair. He nodded to himself. “I suggest you don’t get into more trouble before then.”

Jacks whistled low. “Harsh, my man. Harsh.”

“You’re assuming I’m gonna stop eating, sir?” Pike nibbled on a piece of melon, the edge of his lips curving. “Challenge so accepted.”

Holding up one finger in a pleasant, ‘one moment please’ gesture, Jared went to the galley to knock on the door. The sound of cookware being moved about and running water cut off before the door opened.

“Hello, sir.” Keiran’s eyes were red-rimmed, but a relieved smile curved his lips. “Rhodey just told me Avery’s going to be all right. I’m making him his favorite soup for when he’s up to it. Is Wren up yet? I can throw something together for him.”

“Don’t go to too much trouble...though I don’t know why I say that.” Jared answered with a grateful smile. “You will anyway.” He glanced behind himself, then back to Keiran. “We’re going with a full surprise Halloween birthday party. Any disgusting looking food you can dream up that actually tastes good would be wonderful.” Motioning Reed over, he waited for him to hop gingerly off Curtis’ lap to approach before continuing. “And I want a full E.R. using edible ingredients. Candy shoelaces as thread and needle. Sausages as intestines. We should be able to operate on our food before eating it.”

Reed’s eyes widened with excitement. “This is gonna be so cool. I’m so on it, sir. I’ve been wanting to try to make different kinds of candy and Keiran promised to teach me.”

Inclining his head, Keiran wiped his hands on his apron. “It’s your reward for not burning down the building when you made those lollipops.” He met Jared’s eyes. “I’ll make you proud, sir. We both will.”

“Thank you, my boys.” Appreciation softening his expression, Jared squeezed Reed’s shoulder. “Oh, and Keiran, Rhodey asked that you go up to make the bed for Avery. He’s on bedrest until further notice. So all his favorites. No caffeine, not too much sugar or chocolate though. And something about a fuzzy blanket.”

“I know just the one.” Keiran took off his apron and handed it to Reed. “The muffins are almost done, just take them out when the timer goes off and put them on a tray. Don’t let Pike eat all of Danny’s. And don’t take the top off the soup, just let it simmer.”

Reed looked like he was mentally taking notes. “Muffins. Soup. Check.”

“Can you hand me as much food as you are able to spare, for Pike?” Jared kept his tone mild. “I want an obscene amount, please.”

Brow raised, Keiran seemed to consider for a moment. “There’s plenty of leftovers in the fridge. Can you take care of that, too, Reed? I want to head up now so I can see Avery as soon as Rhodey brings him.”

“Sure…” Reed watched Keiran go, then jumped when the stove beeped. “Shoot… Soup, I need to stir the soup. Or the… One minute, you stupid thing, I’m coming.”

Jared stepped into the galley, letting the door swing shut, grabbing Reed’s wrist gently before he could lift the soup lid. “Muffins, not soup. I’ll text you the directions, my boy.”

“Thank you, sir.” Reed blew out a breath, gaze going around the kitchen. “Ah, the oven mitts are hung up. Weird, why put them there when he’s gotta use them again in five minutes?”

With a kitchen repertoire that included making toast and a frozen pot pie, as well as the occasional pancake, Jared couldn’t honestly say. Phone out, he watched as the thing somehow ‘face ID’d’ him and chirped approvingly. “This is the most sinister thing I’ve seen in nearly forty years.” Grumbling, he began typing a text to Reed. “What will it do next? Offer to jack me off for a DNA fingerprint?” He scowled. “I want my old phone.”

“Damn, wouldn’t that be something, though?” Reed took out the muffins, laying them on top of the stove. He took off the oven mitts, then poked one of the muffins, cursing under his breath and sticking his finger in his mouth. “How does he get them so puffy? Mine are always flat. I swear, dude is magic.”

They could use a little magic around the place. If Keiran was as close as they could come, Jared would take it. Text sent, Jared stowed his phone in his back pocket. “Thank you, my boy. Bring Pike those leftovers and keep his plate filled please.”

“Seth always makes sure he doesn’t overdo it. You trying a different approach?” Reed took out a tray and tried to remove a muffin. “Ouch. Still hot.” Leaving them, he grabbed a plate and went to the fridge, leaning in as he began to fill the plate from different containers. “I think Stephan calls what he does ‘grazing’ and it’s part of why he doesn’t gain much weight. He’s also pretty active.” He came out of the fridge with a plate piled high. “There we go. If he’s still hungry after this he’s not human.”

Taking the plate, Jared raised a Spockish brow. “He decided my telling him to come get me with his choice of a spanking or a mouth soaping for swearing was a throw-down to keep eating.” If the boy hadn’t learned after his drinking binge with Rhodey, then nothing would likely do the trick, but Jared was willing to try. “So we’ll just keep feeding him until he feels the need to stop to perform a Roman style ritual in the lav.”

Reed’s eyes kept getting wider through the whole explanation, his lips parting. “Uh...sir, why are you the one punishing Pike? I mean, it’s Pike. And stubbornness runs in the family.” He rubbed a hand over his mouth. “I’m guessing Seth’s not around. Hoboy, this is not gonna end well. I’m gonna stay in here and watch the soup...” He took out his phone and nodded to himself. “Without taking the top off.”

“Matthew will need you shortly.” Jared gave Reed a sympathetic look, brushing his hair back from his face with a light touch. He took the plate and left the galley.

Over at the table, Shea smacked Pike’s hand when he reached over Jacks for Shea’s plate. “Touch my bacon and you’re losing a finger, sport. Don’t try me.”

“Here we go...” Jared brightened his tone so unnaturally that Jamie looked up from the corner table so fast he might’ve given himself whiplash. “Keep eating as long as you like, little gremlin.” Producing the plate with a flourish, Jared placed it in front of Pike. “There’s more where this came from.” He leaned down, bringing his gaze level with Pike’s. “When you stop, we’ll just go straight to the spanking. I’ll make the decision easy for you.”

Staring at the plate, then at Jared, Pike wet his bottom lip with his tongue. “You can’t do this. Seth’ll be pissed.”

“Yes. Seth will be pissed.” From his seat at the bar, where Jared hadn’t noticed him, Seth stood. “What the fuck is going on? Do you need another reminder of who gets to fuck with my sub, Jared?”

 “At least now we know where he gets his language problem, Bizzy.” Turning, Jared placed several fingers on Seth’s chest to push him back a step.

Holding Matt in his arms, Lawson turned a bit on his stool, levelling a disapproving look on Seth. “Is Pike a member of this club or not? Your boy disobeyed Jared, which means Jared is entitled to punish him. Unless you believe your investment somehow excludes him from the rules. Perhaps you should take another look at the contract both you and your boys signed. Which includes no fighting in the damn bar, so tone it down a few dozen notches.”

Jaw working like he ground glass, Bizzy nodded slowly. “And this applies to everyone, does it?” He tipped his head to the side. “Because I’m recalling that it most definitely doesn’t with Noah or Curtis for the fighting, or Jamie, whose ass should be beaten on the regular by at least half the club, not including the core.” 

“You will leave my boy out of this. And as for fighting?” Noah snugged Jamie a bit closer to his chest in a protective gesture. “Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean Curtis and I don’t pay for losing our tempers. Lawson might bide his time, but he always calls us to his office. Probably for different reasons, but an hour long fucking lecture isn’t exactly pleasant. Or the extra shifts tacked on for the next three months.”

Seth inclined his head. “And yet, I’m reminded of a contract in which it explicitly states that you should’ve lost your membership a hundred times over.” He waved Noah off when he opened his mouth to speak. “No, no. It’s alright. I understand now where the lines are. You have no real ones, but we all are expected to toe the ones you decide exist. How fucking honorable of you. But considering whose son you are, I wouldn’t have expected anything less.”

Setting Jamie on the seat beside him, Noah stood and smiled at Seth as he crossed the room. “Yes, my man. Considering that. All this whining because your poor boy might get a spanking for being a little shit. You and he are both pathetic.”

Jared stepped between Seth and Noah, with a glance to Curtis and Lawson. Curtis moved first, being closer, to casually prop his hip on the nearest table. “I have an idea. Let’s play a game. You like games, Noah.”

“Yes. And I intend to play one. Seth might not enjoy it, but he’s in the wrong place for it to be an option anymore.” Noah put his hand on Jared’s shoulder. “Go sit with our boy, my love. You really don’t need to keep all your old friends. I promise I’ll make it as painless as possible.”

“No, tiger.” Jared shook his head, a rueful smile tugging his lips. “This only ends with you and Rhodey in a basement somewhere for a month.” Nudging closer to Noah, he indicated Jamie. “I’ll take care of this. Unless you want to challenge Seth to a non-lethal and fair fight in the ring. I’ll clear you.”

Noah’s smile turned even colder. “Why wait? He’s right here. Now move.”

“You go through me first.” Hoping he had more ability to make a showing than he had with Seth last evening, Jared didn’t budge. “We have the ring and the rules that you established, for a reason. Respect them and respect yourself.”

Letting out a gruff sound, Noah grabbed Jared’s arm, his eyes flashing when Lawson latched onto his shoulder and jerked him away. He snarled, throwing a punch Lawson barely managed to dodge.

Jared shouted Rhodey’s Russian catch-phrase, giving it every ounce of authority he could muster, not knowing if it’d work with the spectre of Noah’s male parent in the room.

On his feet, Jamie at least had the good sense to stay back, and not remind Noah of his presence. Protecting his little cat would become yet another bit of kindling on the fire to fuel his rage if they didn’t all play their cards right.

“Seth, get the fuck out of here. Off the property.” Curtis stepped up to Jared’s side, tossing the directive over his shoulder. “I’ll watch Pike.”

“Why?” Seth rolled up his sleeves. “Vani might like to know Noah has met his match so she doesn’t need to worry so much about his being a loose cannon any longer.”

Lunging at Seth, Noah didn’t reach him first. Spinning around, Lawson was the one who cracked Seth in the jaw with a solid punch.

“You’ve gone too far.” Lawson shoved Seth out of Noah’s reach, his green eyes darkening with rage. “Let us take care of him or so help me, you can meet me in the fucking ring, you son of a bitch.”

Wiping blood from his lip with the back of his hand, Seth motioned to Pike. “With me. Now.”

Scrambling to his feet, Pike rushed across the bar, dodging Lawson and managing to get just past where Noah was struggling with Curtis. He made a strangled sound when Noah caught the back of his shirt, jerking him back.

The sound of Seth’s gun cocking had Jared’s blood freezing in his veins. “Let him go, or so help me, Noah, it won’t be you I shoot.” 

“Put it down, Seth.” Behind Seth, Rhodey pressed his own weapon to the back of the man’s skull, half his focus on the rest of the room. “Everyone back off him.” He said a few words in Russian, a different command that didn’t have Noah freezing like the other one, but he stopped, breathing hard and staring at Rhodey. “You have two choices, Seth. You calm the fuck down and let me deal with Noah or I shoot you, shoot Pike, and then handle my nephew. I’m good either way if you’d like to play both fucking sides.”

Jared didn’t recognize the man behind Seth’s eyes. For a sickening split-second, he sincerely thought Seth might pull the trigger on Jamie, whose heart the gun pointed directly at. Finally, he seemed to snap back to himself, and slowly lowered the weapon. “Alright.”

“Better, now go upstairs to your loft.” Rhodey glanced at Pike. “You stay. And you’ll both fucking remember that me and my men are the reason you’re still alive. Don’t give me a reason to let that change.”

Face pale, trembling as he lifted a hand to his throat, Pike nodded and looked up at Seth. “Please, sir? I’m...I’m okay. I fucked up so bad, I’m sorry. Let me...try to fix this? Please?”

Running a hand down Pike’s arm, Seth softened his gaze as he looked his boy over. His tender expression was reminiscent of the one Noah often had when looking at Jamie. “You did nothing wrong, my pixie prince.” He glanced toward the door. “I’ll protect you better next time. I promise.” With a modicum more sanity than Noah possessed in such situations, however, Seth appeared to see he was outnumbered and out maneuvered. “We’ll get pizza later and color.”

“I’d really like that, sir.” Pike’s throat worked, his eyes sheened with tears. “Please go upstairs. I’ll be fine. We...gotta trust people, right? taught me to know when to be good and when to be a brat. I’m gonna be good now.”

Cupping Pike’s cheeks, Seth lowered his face to claim a kiss, whispering, “My sweet little brat, don’t ever change,” then exited into the stairwell without looking back.

“Noah, come with me.” Rhodey latched onto the back of Noah’s neck when he approached, searching his eyes and sighing. “Jesus Christ, this is one hell of a morning. I’ve got you, boy. We’ll bring you out of that fucking black pit. I was getting to like not having to hunt you down in there.”

Jamie scrambled after them, and Jared let him go, with a quiet word to Rhodey of, “Seth threw Crawford in his face. This...was unavoidable.”

“That explains a lot. Fucking mercs with useful fucking info and no qualms using it.” Rhodey guided Noah into the gym. “Let’s see if Stephan’s worth even half the money I’m not paying him.”

Watching them go, Jared sure as hell hoped so. Otherwise—flicking a glance at the stairwell Seth had disappeared into, he came to a grim realization—he’d be doing Rhodey’s job for him. And it wouldn’t be pretty.

Or quick.


Part Eight


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  Have and amazing week!



  1. Finally learning about Noah’s dad! And it’s nice to see Jared laying down the law.

  2. You know things are bad for Lawson to react like that 😮

  3. Have I mentioned how much I love Seth? I just love him more and more as we see different sides of him

  4. Grr... Starting to really not like Seth.

  5. Starting to feel more sympathy for Noah... don't know what to think about Seth.

  6. Omg loved this part! ❤


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