LOVE & STITCHES at The Asylum Part Ten


Did you set your clocks forward? Not sure? Me neither! lol

But I did manage to get this up! Warning: Very VERY NSFW!

Hope you're having a great weekend and Happy Reading!







PART 6  





Soaking wet, shoes squelching against tile and concrete, Jared crossed the pool area toward the cells after having left Rhodey’s coat with Wren. Key imprinted into his palm with the pressure of his clenched fist, he couldn’t be any more drenched if he jumped into the pool. The water had calmed to a glassy stillness, everything quiet in the subterranean space. Approaching Noah’s door reminding him of Curtis’ Bluebeard comment, he wondered what he might find behind the locked door.

Knuckles poised to knock, he took a breath, composing himself. Then walked away to stare at the door. It felt very much like Schrodinger’s cat. Before he opened the door, there were all manner of possibilities and outcomes for his conversation with Noah. He liked that feeling. The possibility he might be able to comfort him enough to enjoy the rest of the night with their boys.

“I really should’ve read my horrorscope before getting out of bed.” Quoting Danny, in a fashion, Jared smiled softly and drip-dripped on the floor.

Backing away, he strode to Stephan’s office. “Call Wren and Jamie, have them come down.” He slapped the key on the desk. “Then lock all of us in there until tomorrow morning.”

Stephan put down the magazine he was reading—something about fishing—and gave Jared a level look. “I’m still technically a prisoner. I don’t have a phone. And I’ll do what you ask, but in the morning I hope you’ll be able to convince him to get out of there. His self-prescribed isolation for progress could end up doing the opposite.”

“Which is why we’ll all be in there with him...” He shook his head. “No. Not Wren. That would be idiocy. I forget sometimes. He’s so innocent. I can’t picture him in there, or what would’ve happened to him without Noah. I’ll have to do this alone. Please lock me in there with him. I won’t come out until he does. At least he won’t be alone, and he can’t make me leave once I’m locked in.” Jared looked around for some clippers. “Do I need to shave my head or anything, like he did when he went to prison? It’s been a while, but it might overly worry him.”

That got him a bit of a smile. “Yes, that would definitely unsettle him. May I ask why you would consider it?”

“Because I want him to see I’m in it with him one-hundred-percent, no matter the cost to me.” He paced, running his fingers through his hair. “Because I want him to know we go down together. Sink or swim. I love him. We all do.”

“He didn’t shave his head, Jared. I don’t think it’s necessary for you to do so to make that statement. You just did.” Stephan stood, giving him an encouraging smile. “Very well.”

Gratitude warming his chest, Jared nodded to himself. “Could you stay with the boys upstairs? So they won’t worry?” He stepped out barefoot into the echoing space. “Use my phone to call Rhodey and let him know.”

“No, I won’t stay with them, we don’t have the kind of relationship that will replace the ones they have here.” Stephan followed him out of the office. “But I’ll suggest they spend the night with Seth and Quint. It will do them some good.”

Footsteps faltering, Jared began to shake his head, thinking he’d suggest Rhodey...who had an injured sub. Then Curtis...who had an injured Dom. Jacks’ foot was healing, so they were out. “Dammit. How could that sad excuse for a merc be the only one intact? This is ridiculous. I’m half tempted to go up with Curtis’ sledgehammer to kneecap him just to even the playing field.”

“A less than productive urge, but I don’t judge.” Laughter sparkled in Stephan’s eyes. “Will this be before or after he watches over your boys?”

“After.” Jared gave the man his best mock ‘don’t be obtuse’ stare. “Thank you. I hope you’re as good of a man as you seem. I’d hate to have to help Rhodey bury your body.”

Stephan snorted at that. “I would not enjoy putting you to the trouble, so I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations.”

Jared nodded sharply. “Good.” Facing the door, he muttered, “Take two.”

Opening the door, knocking first, Jared stepped inside onto hard cement, not turning when the door closed and locked behind him. He waited, quietly, for Noah to look up or acknowledge him.

“Why are you knocking, Rhodey?” Sitting on the floor cross-legged in the middle of a room with everything made of cement except the plain mattress, sheets, and blankets, Noah kept his eyes shut. He was dressed in loose cotton pants and a matching shirt, both white. “A different approach changes nothing. I appreciate you saying you believe in me, I’ve been...hoping to hear that for a very long time. I sometimes wonder if anyone does. Or how they possibly could. But I still have a long way to go.” Tilting his head at the silence, Noah let out a heavy sigh. “It’s hard to believe you trust me if you keep coming back every five minutes. I’m not going to snap and break myself against the walls. Once with punching things that couldn’t hit back today was more than enough. I already gave Jared more work, I don’t intend to do that again.”

“I appreciate that sentiment, but I’m unsure whether the fact I can hit back is good or bad for the prospect of your welcoming me with open arms.” Crossing to the mattress, Jared sat, mirroring Noah’s cross-legged position. He frowned up at the bright overhead lights. “Do these ever turn off? It must be hell on circadian rhythms.”

Noah looked over his shoulder at him, frowning. “I don’t know, this is my first night in here. But...why are you…? Jared, I am putting in the work for us. For our boys. I’ll be the man you all need I just…” He bowed his head. “I’m not there yet.”

“Alright. I trust you. But I’m not leaving you to do this alone.” Elbows on his knees, Jared threaded his fingers together loosely. “How does this work? Is it a meditation thing? It’s fairly quiet in here. They say in soundproof rooms people begin to hallucinate in isolation. Do the voices tell us what we need to know to get better? It might help my PTSD.”

Shaking his head, Noah unfolded his legs and stood. “I don’t know. Stephan’s had me do meditation before and it makes me...more aware of how to center myself. But the point of being in here is so I’m not out there, fucking up. This won’t help your PTSD, it will just...make you more drained from having to deal with my shit. You’ve done more than enough of that.”

“Ah. I see.” Nodding slowly, Jared ran the back of his hand over his beard in contemplation. “So it’ll help me not to hurt people when I have a flashback that turns ugly. I can see that.” He squinted at the lights again. “And keep me from saying crap to Bizzy that sets him off and makes him turn the bar into his personal human-pin-shaped bowling alley.”

Noah’s eyes narrowed. “You’re missing the point. I don’t need you blaming yourself. It’s the last thing I’d ever want. My actions were...I was not in control. Not who everyone needs me to be.”

“And in here?” Jared tipped his head to one side. “You’re in control, and who everyone needs you to be?”

“I am trying to become him. Damn it, Jared!” Noah paced away, taking slow, measured breaths. “I’m sure if I just work harder I’ll get there. I’m sorry it means me doing something drastic, but after today? I feel like I’m out of options. I don’t want to wait until Jamie gets tired of me. Or you decide Wren’s better off far away from the harm I might do. I all to be able to count on me.”

“I understand. Completely.” Jared settled back against the pillows, making himself comfortable.

Letting out a low growl, Noah faced him again. “Then why are you still here?”

“Because I need you to see that there’s nothing you could ever do or not do that wouldn’t make me proud to stand by your side.” Adjusting the pillow again, he wondered how worried Wren and Jamie might be and decided it was not his priority at that moment. “I need you to be able to count on me. I love you.” He met Noah’s gray eyes in all seriousness. “I will never, ever let you go somewhere without me and not follow. Not as long as I’m able.”

Sighing, Noah came over and sat on the bed. “I love you so fucking much. You deserve me to love you enough to change. And I’m trying.”

“I know, love.” Jared flipped his palm up on the mattress, wiggling his fingers in invitation. “It’s like Jamie with those vocabulary words. We keep feeding them to him, and he keeps trying. More and more, he gets them right, but he still gets some wrong. Or Wren with the phones and laptops. He makes mistakes, and we do our best to help him. We don’t...” He winced, remembering when he’d done exactly this. “Lock them in a cage and tell them they can’t come out until they learn to never make mistakes.” Taking the warm, dry weight of Noah’s hand, he squeezed. “But if you think it works differently for you, then I trust you and I will be in here with you until you’re ready to leave and face the messy, unpredictable, chaotic world out there.” His lips twitched. “Besides. No one can find me in here to make me sew anything up. It’s the vacation I always wanted.”

“If it’s giving you a break, I won’t force you to leave.” Noah rubbed his other hand over his face. “This isn’t Wren having a hard time remembering things. Or Jamie struggling with words. I am...I was starting to like who I was. Things felt good. Maybe too good. I got comfortable happened.”

“Alright. Today happened.” Jared flipped their hands over so his was on top. “In the scheme of things, in a life, it was one day, and you bounced back without a punch to the jaw or Rhodey’s whip. You’re here, with me, figuring it out. Not having someone else’s will forced on you. We’re in here because you chose it.” He ran his gaze over the walls and door, ceiling and floor, before returning it to the face that held so much less anger and self-doubt than fifteen years ago. “I can see and remember how far you’ve come, and I’m so damned proud of you. And lucky to call you my friend, lover, and partner.”

Noah smiled a little at that. “I lived for nothing but to hear those words, once. Part of me still does.” He looked at the door. “You must think I’m a fool. The plan seemed logical to me at the time. I meditate for a few days and I would...know when I was...better.”

“I think you’re pretty smart, actually. I’m too intelligent to shack up with a fool.” Jared returned Noah’s smile. “So, we meditate a few days. I can’ think of worse ways to spend a weather event that has trees blowing sideways outside. How does one meditate?”

“You are not staying in here for days. I’ve probably already upset our boys enough as it is, we can’t both just...leave.” Noah rolled his neck. “Can you promise me one thing, then I’ll come out of the room with you?”

“I will do my level best, but we’re not leaving.” Jared massaged Noah’s shoulder with his free hand, enjoying the feel of his solid muscles under his fingertips.

Frowning at him, Noah started to turn, then stopped, leaning into his touch. “That feels nice. Now why aren’t we leaving?”

“Because Rhodey gave me the key, and I gave it to Stephan and told him I don’t leave until you do. But he won’t check on us until morning.” Jared spoke plainly. “Now, what am I supposed to promise you?”

“If I’m too much, if you believe there’s nothing in me worth saving?” Noah stared straight ahead. “Lock me in here. And don’t look back.”

If only to give Noah something to hold onto—a litmus test to judge himself by—Jared cupped Noah’s cheek to bring his head around. “Do you honestly think that I wouldn’t if I thought you were a danger to Wren?”

Noah’s brow furrowed. “I hope so. But...I have been. To both him and Jamie.”

“And so have I, but that does not equate with ‘unsaveable’ or ‘nothing worth saving’.” Shrugging up onto his elbows, Jared sat up. “I saw you at your level worst, Noah, and I didn’t leave you then because I saw, even through the anger and arrogance, that your teenage self had on endless tap, and there was so much heart and soul crying out to be loved and cherished I vowed someday you’d see the good in yourself.” Leaning in, he claimed a lingering kiss, tasting the salt and musk of Noah’s lips. “I consider you the greatest prize I’ve ever worked so hard to win.”

Letting out a soft hum of pleasure, Noah moved so he was fully facing Jared. “You’re rewarding my bad behavior. You used to be so good at not doing that. But I don’t mind it at all.”

“Speaking of bad behavior...” Pushing Noah onto his back, Jared covered his body with his own. The heat of their entwined limbs sank through his wet cotton, making him aware of every ripple of muscle and his burgeoning arousal. He shifted his hips, nipping Noah’s lower lip. “I tanned that little brat’s ass tonight.”

Groaning into Jared’s mouth, Noah dug his fingers into his shoulders, bringing him even closer as he moved up against him. “Please tell me you haven’t decided to start calling Jamie that, I don’t want to fight right now.”

“What? No.” Words muffled against Noah’s lips, Jared braced on one elbow, his free hand moving between them to grip the girth of Noah’s shaft. He swept his thumb over the thin cotton pants, exploring the hard ridge beneath the crown. “If he were a brat, we’d deal with it. Not like Pike. That one’s terminal.”

The edge of Noah’s lips quirked as he thrust into Jared’s hand, his own sliding down until they gripped his ass. “And yet, he survived. Were you trying to piss off Seth or were you just that fed up with the pint-sized bundle of trouble?”

Breaths sharpening, Jared took a moment to focus his reply. The pressure of Noah’s leg, combined with the weight of him in Jared’s palm overwhelmed sense, so his answer was perhaps a bit more honest than he intended. “The latter. And a good thing. Because he’s the only Dom left standing.”

“I’m so sad for him. I’m enjoying not standing very much right now.” Noah’s grip became almost bruising as his muscles tensed and he rolled them over, biting Jared’s bottom lip hard. His eyes darkened as he met Jared’s eyes before moving down to graze his teeth along his throat, then shoved up the fabric of his shirt to get to his chest. “So his boy, what did you do to him? I always enjoy how diabolical you can be when one of the poor little subbies around here steps wrong around you. Sometimes I’m tempted to trip them, just so I can watch.”

Jared lifted his head to throw Noah a feral grin, his canines sharp against the inside of his lips. “Oh, yes. That would be fun.” He threaded his fingers in Noah’s dark curls, tightening them with sensual tugs, enjoying the scrape of his man’s teeth against his flesh. “You’ll laugh...” His words trailed into a growl at Noah’s next bite. “Fuck I want you.”

“Mmm, I know. I’ve decided on the noble route of endless revenge.” Noah shifted even lower, bringing the waist of Jared’s pants with him. He breathed over the head of his cock. “Keep talking. I like a good laugh as much as the next man.”

Gaze narrowing, he threw Noah a warning glare. “Bite me there and it won’t be you dishing out endless revenge, tiger.”

Flicking out his tongue for a long lick, Noah let out an amused sound. He brushed his teeth lightly over Jared’s length, then dipped down, setting his teeth hard into the flesh of Jared’s pelvis. His shoulders shook his laughter when he rose up again, his lips brushing over Jared with each word. “Stop tempting me. Now, tell me what you did.”

“Used Lawson’s ruler on his ass, but he safeworded.” Jared rolled his eyes, falling back to the mattress, enjoying the sensual sting where Noah’s teeth had abraded. Each point pulsed with erotic promise, forcing his hips upward so he involuntarily fucked the cell’s cool air. “I had him over the back of the chair...”

Noah slicked his head around the tip of Jared’s dick, sliding down to take the head in his mouth, then releasing it and shooting Jared an expectant look. “Go on.”

“You’re evil.” Groaning, Jared smirked. “Here I thought you didn’t get off on the corporal shit.” He tried to tug Noah’s head back down. “He wanted to be over my hand on his ass...”

The tugging got Jared nowhere, but he was rewarded whenever he kept talking, Noah taking him in deeper, pausing when he did, a mix of arousal and wicked humor in his eyes as he avoided any effort from Jared to urge him on.

Pressure and slick heat made words a halting effort, moments of unrestrained pleasure alternating with spikes of frustration. “Five. With the ruler.” Worried Noah would stop if he ran out of story, Jared drew out the details. “Then my hand.” His chuckle stuttered when Noah deep-throated him, trailing into a needy growl. “He probably...regretted that. Thought I was going to fuck him.” Visions of doing just that spilled over Jared, the raw erotic power of taking what was Seth’s after what he’d done with Quint making the monster in him rear its head. “I should’ve. But then...”

Wrapping a hand around him, Noah stroked him as he gave him a lazy smile, his lips glistening with saliva, the same that made his loose grip slide effortless up and down Jared’s length. “Yes, you probably should have. That would have made things interesting around here. The boy does have good genes, even if more of them turned out rotten. Curtis was fucking wild at that age.” He let out a thoughtful hum, licking precum from the slit of Jared’s dick. “Why didn’t you?”

“Too vulnerable.” Watching Noah’s mouth was the most erotic joy he experienced outside of the pleasure on Wren’s face as his boy came. Entranced, he mused about the past and possibilities. “You finding your control with Curtis—” He fell back, unable to hold himself up on shaking arms. “—I still get myself off to those memories.” One hand on Noah’s shoulder, Jared rolled his head to the side and closed his eyes. “Vulnerable like our boys. Pike... Couldn’t have left them with Seth tonight if I’d done that.”

At first, Noah’s only reply was the vibration of another hum around him as he took him in deep. He swallowed around Jared’s cock, his lips right up against his base. Tensing suddenly, he drew up, staring at Jared. “You left them where?”

Cool air contrasting with the heat that had been Noah’s mouth on him, Jared tried to find the logic amid the buzz in his brain. “What are you talking about? Don’t stop. Close.”

Noah licked his bottom lip, seeming to consider for a moment. He began to stroke Jared, brushing his lips over him. “You’re going to come for me, my man. Come hard and let me savor every drop. Then you have some serious explaining to do.”

“Bossy.” Jared teased, thrusting up into Noah’s hand, sliding one arm under his head to prop up his neck. It had been a while since they’d played like this, and he found himself preoccupied with all the ways he might exact his own pleasure-pain on Noah’s flesh. “Right there. That.” The sweeping twist of Noah’s fist increased friction and speed, Jared’s balls drawing tight, so full he felt every pulse of his blood low and deep. “Just like that.”

“Give it to me, Jared.” Noah’s grip tightened as he sucked down over the length above his hand. “Fuck my mouth like you refused to all those years ago, for so fucking long.”

Visions of Noah, on his knees, shoulders bowed, hands bound behind his back, rose. Jared thrust upward, palm to the back of Noah’s head, fucking his throat in a merciless rhythm that made the most delicious noises. He controlled the air Noah breathed, the rhythm of their joining. Power rushed through Jared’s limbs, consuming him in a flash of heat and release, his throat raw from his shout. Pulses of repeated pleasure drove him into Noah’s mouth until he spent every drop down his man’s throat. And floated downward on a spiral of eddying bliss that shook him sweetly back to earth.

Letting out a satisfied sound, Noah braced himself up on one elbow, bending in a bit to flick his tongue over Jared’s oversensitive dick. “I love it when you don’t hold back.” He sounded a bit drunk with his own pleasure. His fingers traced the spot on Jared’s pelvis where he’d bit him. “Fucking beautiful.”

“I want to break you sometimes and put you back together.” The sadist in Jared held the reins, visions of the glorious mess he could make of this man keeping him in thrall. “Watch you writhe for me on the head of a pin and hearing you scream my name. That would be beautiful. Turning you inside out.”

Noah’s lazy smile was back as he crawled up the bed like a large cat and stretched out beside him. “I would bleed for you, any time, my man. All you have to do is ask.”

Pulling Noah into the crook of his arm, Jared settled him in and trailed his fingers through the sweat-dampened tendrils of his hair. “I’m asking.” He pressed a kiss to Noah’s forehead. “Let me hurt you. I’ll make it so good.”

“Fuck yes.” Noah exhaled, moving in closer and resting his hand on Jared’s chest. “I could use some pretty new scars with some better memories attached.”

Arousal’s thrum attempted a return, Jared hissing as his hips shifted away from the discomfort. “I like that idea. Very much. Wren is too delicate, and Jamie isn’t that kind of sub.” He tightened his arm around Noah’s shoulders, pressing his palm into the muscled girth of his upper arm. “Your pleasure and pain is a gift I’ve always wanted to claim.”

“Then consider it yours.” Noah brought his lips to Jared’s throat, catching a bit of flesh between his teeth. “If you think you could handle me. I don’t mind giving you control over me in limited supply. I’ll take it from you whenever you let me.”

The corners of Jared’s lips kicked up. Chin tipped down, he caught and held Noah’s searching gaze. “That last bit could be taken any number of ways. But I don’t think you’re asking to wear a collar. It wouldn’t suit you, love.”

Noah bared his teeth at him. “No, that’s not what I want or need from you. I just enjoy seeing my marks on your flesh.” His lips curved. “I used to imagine it, between picturing you fucking me every way imaginable. Turning the tables and biting you until I tasted your blood. Then you giving me your screams of pleasure. My imagination wasn’t nearly as satisfying as reality.”

Bringing their mouths together, Jared swept his tongue against Noah’s in a suggestive duel for dominance, relishing the taste of himself on Noah’s tongue. Their lips separated with a wet and greedy sound he knew he’d play back in his mind many times. “If you can take my blood, you can have it. I’d enjoy that fight. I enjoy your fight.”

“One of these days, our boys are going to see how far we’re capable of going and be a little frightened.” Noah smirked, rubbing his cheek against Jared’s beard before sliding down to nip his earlobe. “I can’t fucking wait.”

“Mhm. Same.” Jared delighted in tugging Noah’s hair at his nape, yanking his head back and rolling him to take a bite of his own with enough pressure to break the skin dangerously close to his carotid. There were advantages to being a doctor and knowing how close to the line you could skate. “And tying them up so we can work them over after.” He grinned against Noah’s throat, licking up the bright taste of his blood as he worked down his pants. “I wouldn’t mind pushing them more, with you.”

Panting and arching against him, Noah pressed his fingertips into the muscles of Jared’s back and nodded. “There are so many things we could do to them. So many things I want to try. I want to play on the fucking edge, see if they can take it.”

“Oh, yes...” Spearing his fingers into Noah’s mouth, Jared gathered up his spit, watching the stretch and pull of Noah’s lips around those three digits. “I bought something a few months back I’ve been wanting to try. An anal hook that would be perfect with some suspension I’d need your help with.” His rope work was far too rusty. “Wren would look so beautiful stretched on its girth.” Fingers pulling from Noah’s mouth, deliberately scraping along Noah’s teeth, he made a fist to demonstrate. “Spread your ass for me, tiger.”

Challenge in his eyes, Noah lifted his hand to Jared’s hair, jerking his head back. “Make me.”

Surprise spiked adrenaline through Jared’s middle, catching his breath like a ten story drop. He drank in the sensation, riding its power as he dug his fingers into a pressure point and rolled Noah to his stomach. One knee pressed over a kidney, he bore down just enough to hear Noah’s grunt and used a hand to grab his muscled glute and expose the dark red of his hole. Using the lube from the small packet he kept in his wallet, he gave Noah only the little prep he knew he’d need. Three fingers pushing against his entrance, Jared didn’t work him slowly, sliding into his third knuckle in a relentless glide, then crooked them hard to punish Noah’s prostate.

“Fuck, me, my man. Don’t you dare fucking hold back anything from me. I need…” Testing his hold, Noah tried to wrench away. “To see what you can do with all that strength. I want to feel it when you’re not by my side and ache for when you’ll give it to me again.”

Dick rallying, Jared shook his head to clear it from arousal’s distraction. Attention fully on Noah’s needs, he leaned close to spit on his fingers, withdrawing them to their tips and slamming them back in with flesh slapping force. As lubed as he’d get. His left arm, he snaked around Noah’s throat, pulling back to cut off his air supply as he twisted his hand to add his thumb at an angle guaranteed to put pressure on his gland. “I like that. I like being your dream and your nightmare. Making you dance for me, love. All that fucking gorgeous muscle glenching around my fist when I make you come.”

“More, Jared. Give me more.” Noah hissed, writhing under him, his skin slick with his efforts to both move with him and fight free, as though he couldn’t decide which he wanted the most. His tone turned almost mocking. “There was talk of blood. I’m disappointed.”

The sucking pull of Noah’s body around Jared’s folded hand absorbed his efforts, until his fist found its home inside its temporary home. He flexed his fingers to hear Noah gasp. Then leaned down to brush his lips against his ear. “As you wish.” Striking the meatiest part of Noah’s shoulder, Jared bit down with a force that had blood rushing hotly into his mouth at the same time he pulled out of Noah’s ass and slid back in with a twisting motion that hit all the essential nerves for causing both pleasure and pain. Jared licked his lips. “Scream for me, love. I want to hear you hurt.”

Tipping his head back, Noah let out a roar, the sound sharpening as he pressed back against Jared. His whole body shook, skin glistening, the blood mixing with sweet and dripping down his back and to the white sheets. “Keep going. Do it, my man. Everything. Anything. I want to feel it.”

“Oh, it will be my pleasure...” Dark ropes of control threaded around Jared’s limbs, tightening the erotic energy that powered his arousal. Dick pulsing with a war-tinged rhythm, he maneuvered Noah onto his back without removing his fist. The visual of his wrist encased in Noah’s body drew his attention, and he watched in fascination his withdrawal and reentry for several thrusts. “My turn.” He trailed a suggestive finger down Noah’s shaft. “What was it you mentioned...about edging?”

Noah spat out a laugh, the sound breathless and strained, and shook his head. “You wouldn’t. I swear to fucking God, Jared, I’ll never let you have an undisturbed night again. You’ll wake to me pounding your fucking ass until all our pillows have your teeth marks in them.”

“That sounds like a challenge?” Tone bored, eerily mild, Jared watched the flat of his hand slap Noah’s cock, making it bounce to the right. Then the left. His fingers curling inside Noah at exactly the right time to confuse the sensations of pleasure and agony.

“Jesus, I love you so much I hate you.” Noah dropped his head back, closing his eyes. “Or maybe it’s the other way around.”

“Mhmm...” He pinched and rolled Noah’s balls to feel their taught weight and judge their fullness, then squeezed hard enough his own eyes watered as he took Noah’s dick down his throat.

Noah gnashed his teeth, his heels digging into the bed. “You fucking bastard. God...yes. Shit...I’m going to kick your ass, or...don’t stop.” Huffing out a breath, he rose up with Jared. “Right there...fuck, I’m going to regret telling you that.”

Chuckling darkly, Jared pulled off Noah’s dick, a long string of saliva snapping as he slurped noisily, just to mess with Noah’s head. Reeling him back from the edge, Jared sucked one of Noah’s balls into his mouth, still fucking him with his fist. The heat and musk of Noah’s flesh in his mouth and his powerful thighs so close had him wondering that Noah didn’t exact his own revenge with a few well known wrestling holds. Seemed like he wasn’t hating this...too much. 

Popping Noah’s testicle free of his mouth, Jared made a concerned sound at the back of his throat. “I don’t think I’m doing right by you, love. Here. Let me help.” One hand wrapping around Noah’s shaft, the other fucking him in opposite motions designed to confuse his nerves and sense of rhythm, Jared ever so slowly and steadily sank his teeth into the inside of Noah’s thigh until blood sang across his tongue.

Noah’s leg jerked, his knee cracking Jared in the side of the head. He twisted, reaching down to fist his hand in Jared’s hair. “Yes, my sweet sadist. Help me. Finish it.”

“Since you ask so prettily.” Licking the blood from his lower lip, Jared showed his toothy grin, which was undoubtedly pink with Noah’s blood. He dipped his head, adding the salty tang of Noah’s precum to his palate, using the pressure of his mouth to hold him tight as he sank down to Noah’s root.

Righting his rhythm, Jared slowly bobbed his head and fucked Noah’s ass, using the harmony of movement and pressure to slip him closer and closer to release. Listening closely to his breaths, he judged when Noah was on the edge, changed his timing to push him off balance, and started again, until his muscles trembled. Then, and only then, did he set him loose to dive off the cliff of his desire.

A strangled sound escaped Noah and his fist hit the mattress by his hip, his other hand still in Jared’s hair. Spine bowed, he seemed locked in time, riding out every last sensation until all the strength and tension seeped away, leaving him almost boneless and gasping for air on the bed. He trailed his fingers through Jared’s hair, letting out an almost inaudible sigh. “I should lock myself up more often.”


Part 11


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  Have and amazing week!



  1. Wow, that was, well, I completely agree with these two being locked up on the regular!!!

  2. This is exactly what Noah needed! I’d love to see the two of them pushing Jamie and Serena a bit more. And Stephen is the best ❤️ This whole chapter is 🔥

  3. That was 🔥🔥, i hope all is well with Wren and Jamie.


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