LOVE & STITCHES at The Asylum Part Twelve


The weekend is here!

And so is the next part of Love & Stitches!

Happy Reading!







PART 6  




PART 10 




Wren’s neat stitches promised to rival Quint’s someday. Watching his boy’s focus, the steadiness with which he applied himself to healing his Dom, Jared found himself grinning with a liberal measure of lovesick pride.

The front door swung open, then slammed, and Wren tensed, but managed not to jerk the needle he’d pierced the skin of Noah’s thigh with.

Quint stormed into the living room, his cheeks damp. “I am going to kill that man, I swear to fucking God if he’s not back within the hour. Where is my gun? I’m not sure I want to chance giving him that long.”

Seth’s deeper rumble came in response, but was undecipherable, though Jared understood the gist to be, “What happened.?”

“Rhodey, that’s what. He took the kitten.” Quint paced across the living room, his eyes widening when Pike stared at him. “I...I tried to argue with him, but he threatened to bring me down to the cells and leave me there. He said he’d bring the kitten to the vet himself, but only if I went back upstairs. I just…” He looked at Seth. “It’s so delicate. He’s not a gentle man. I would have been fine.”

Torn between attending Wren and calming Quint’s fears, Jared kept his gaze on Wren when he spoke. “Rhodey is a merc, but he’s not a monster. I’d trust him with all of our lives, my boy. You think I wouldn’t trust him with a kitten? Have you seen him with his own boy when he’s hurt? There’s no gentler soul on earth.”

Plunking down on an armchair, still in view of the bathroom, Quint rubbed his fingers over his eyes in a quick, irritated motion that Jared caught in his peripheral vision, as though his own emotions needed to be dismissed. “I...have. And you’re right, but it was...I didn’t want to come back here without the kitten and leave any uncertainty for Pike. He was so happy. Sometimes life...doesn’t give us many chances for that.”

“And he will follow your lead when you tell him with confidence that the best thing for the animal and for him is to have an un-destractable merc get him there and back as soon as possible.” Leaning over, Jared handed Wren the scissors he’d need to snip the suture. “Knot it close. There will be a tail, but we can trim it.”

“Yes, sir.” Wren leaned in, huffing, then jamming the back of his wrist into his glasses as they slid down. “It is much too hot in here. Why are these darn things so impractical? I’ll have to find a better way to manage them.”

“You’re doing very well, my boy. I’m very proud.” Not wanting to distract Wren with physical affection, Jared showed his unwavering approval with his tone. “This heat is great practice for when you need to focus in worse conditions. Consider your discomfort a gift to your Dom...if it helps.”

While Wren nodded and set about snipping the thread with renewed determination, Pike whispered something to Seth, then slipped out of his arms and went to Quint, climbing onto his lap and curling up against him.

He held something up. A button, which he pressed into Quint’s palm in a gesture that strangely brought to mind penguins gifting pebbles. “Sorry, I popped off another one. But...I really want the kitten, and I’m really happy you helped convince Seth to keep it in that way that you have that’s not like begging or pouting—I’d totally had gone in that direction. Rhodey...he coulda killed me a few times and he didn’t. He got to trust you and Seth before me and trusted your judgment. That’s smart. It makes me trust him too.”

“Anyone Jared trusts...” Seth crossed to Quint’s side, picking his drink up from the table on the way by. “Well.” He shrugged, sipping his whiskey.

“A sterling compliment. Thank you, Bizzy.” Jared watched as Jamie paced behind Noah like it was all that kept him from running to hide in a closet while Wren worked. “Settle, love. You’re a distraction.”

Freezing, Jamie looked around with a bit of crazy in his eyes, then sat on the closed toilet lid and pulled his knees up to his chest. “Sorry, Wren.”

Noah reached out for Jamie’s hand, jerking and laughing when Wren smacked his arm, not looking up from where he’d moved to the back of his shoulder. “Testy little bird. Maybe you should learn your bedside manner from Quint, rather than our man, pet.”

“Sir, I appreciate the insight, but Quint is not the one I’ve learned from until recently. And I almost poked you in the head.” Wren blew a breath over his face. “As interesting as it would be to retract a needle from the back of your skull, I think it’s beyond my training. This heat is already beyond my training. It’s not very sterile, but I suppose I can put in a picc-line if you get a bad infection. It would be very good practice. I’ve always wanted to get a better look at how the process is done...I’ve seen something similar when Jamie was poisoned…” His lips parted and he lifted his gaze to Jamie. “I’m sorry. I didn’t forget...I forgot it might still upset you, though. I’ll do better.”

Jared watched a myriad of emotions skip across Jamie’s face, before Noah’s boy nodded slowly to himself. “No, it doesn’t upset me. The part where Noah thought I’d mess around on him did, but we got through that and the whole poisoning thing wasn’t as bad as that.”

Licking his bottom lip, Wren inclined his head. “Okay, that’s good.” He tried to wipe his face on the shoulder of his shirt. “Could you...dry my face with something? I don’t want anything dripping in the wound. I’ve gotten all gross, and not in a fun way.”

“On it.” Jamie slipped a towel off the bar, closing his eyes as he approached Noah’s back. The towel waved around in the air behind Wren’s head as Jamie attempted to find his face.

“Stop.” Laughing, Jared stepped in to take the towel from Jamie’s hand and sent him back toward the toilet. “I’ve got you, Nurse Raven.” Dabbing the white cotton along Wren’s forehead, he made sure to catch the sweat dotting Wren’s brow before it dripped into his eyes. “Jamie, get some ice chips for Wren, please.”

Wren let out a slightly needy sound. “Yes, please, sir. I am not sure how you did this in the desert. I would like to request a reasonable temperature for all future operations. I am very hot. And so is Noah. I usually like slippery when he has his clothes off, but this is not as enjoyable. Does this mean I’ll fail my test? I should practice more.”

Jamie reappeared with the ice chips, popping a few into Wren’s mouth as Jared answered. “Not at all, my boy.” At Noah’s back, Jared watched Wren struggle with some of the thicker, scarred tissue, guiding him through the process. When the sutures were finished, he looked them over. “Your work is exemplary. The only feedback I will give you is that you need to check in with your patient. A little conversation can help you determine if they are feeling faint.” Lips slanting, he met Noah’s gaze. “I don’t think that’ll ever be a problem with your Dom, but generally we have patients reclining for that reason, whenever possible.”

A slanted smile curved Noah’s lips. “I’ve been stitched up by Rhodey, this was nothing. I did my best to keep quiet, I didn’t want to pull our boy out of this more controlling headspace.” He quickly twisted and lifted his hand to Wren’s cheek at his horrified look. “It’s not a bad thing, my little bird. Jamie had to learn to take more control at the Center. This is where you need it.”

“Yes, sir,’s hard.” Wren pressed Noah’s hand down and frowned at his shoulder. “May I say, sir, you are a terrible patient. You already ripped your stitches. I don’t mind the practice, but...I was hoping they’d last more than a minute.”

“Hm.” Jared looked over the popped stitches. “We can use the surgical glue here and steri-strips. This area—” He indicated the spot with his finger, not touching Noah’s skin. “—requires more flexibility and isn’t so deep that it will be a problem.”

Noah sat still as Wren meticulously followed Jared’s instructions, finishing off with bandages taped over the wounds. When Wren stood back, Noah pushed to his feet. “I can see why Curtis enjoys being a test subject. I enjoy being part of your learning process, my boy, even if I have nothing to add. I’m looking forward to seeing you expand your skills.” He cupped Wren’s cheek and brushed his thumb over his bottom lip. “I wanted you to experience so much, without being in danger. And finally have that.”

Smiling softly at the quiet conversation, Jared backed out of the room, beckoning Jamie with him. Outside the bathroom, he pointed Jamie in the direction of the loft door. “Go upstairs and ready a bath for Wren. Put out a robe and light some candles that have that winter scent he enjoys.”

“Yes, sir.” Throwing Pike a “See you later!” Jamie quick-walked out of the loft, already singing a tune of his own on the way up the stairs.

Jared turned to Seth. “Thank you. We made a bit of a mess, but we’ll be out of your hair soon.”

Seated next to Quint, Seth smoothed his boy’s dark blond hair back from his forehead in repetitive strokes, while Quint cradled Pike in his lap. “I’m glad we had a chance to talk.”

“Me as well.” Jared glanced toward the bath, then back to Seth. “And I know things can get heated in the bar, but if you ever feel the need to come at someone then come for me. I can take it.” His lips thinned. “I can’t promise I’ll be so forgiving in the future if you press buttons with my family again.”

Seth’s brow arched in a wry and wordless response.

Irritation skated across the skin at Jared’s nape, and he rolled his shoulders. “It’s not the same, and you know it.” 

“True.” Kissing Quint, then Pike’s foreheads, Seth stood. “But I find that I can’t do half-measures where they’re concerned.”

Frustratingly, Jared found he needed to concede the point. “Then we’d best make certain we’re on the same side from now on.”

“Seems so.” Seth held out his hand.

Jared stared at it for a moment, then shook. “Yes. It seems so.”

“Aww.” Pike rested his head on Quint’s shoulder, playing with the buttons on his shirt now. “I get why you couldn’t pick between them. How fucking hot was it when they fucked?” He pouted at Quint’s pinch to his thigh. “What? We’re home, I’m allowed and I’m not gonna get all clinical about it. You’ve seen just the two of them going at each other and didn’t make it a bedtime story? Not cool.”

Seth’s lips curved upward, his gaze narrowing in that way he had that always reminded Jared of a leopard who remembered it had spots. “You know...I’d completely forgotten that you owe me a night in the dungeon.”

“I most certainly do not.” Jared looked around his former loft and the furniture that he’d left behind. “You fucked me out of a house, you can jack off in my bed at night and remember what you gave up.”

Towel around his waist, Noah came out of the bathroom, Wren still fussing with his bandages like he didn’t believe they’d stay put. He levelled Seth with a hard look. “If we’re all playing nice now, we’re not going to keep picking at scabs. If you try to take my man to the dungeon you’ll have to go through me. And I was just starting to like you for agreeing to keep the kitten.”

Grin widening, Seth chuckled. “Yes, yes. I know. But you have to admit it’s fun to hear him growl.”

Noah studied Seth’s face for a moment. Then the edges of his lips twitched. “True.” He pulled Wren by the wrist away from his back and nudged him toward Jared. “I will live, my boy, stop worrying. I’ve survived worse and I’d like to enjoy getting hurt in a way that will leave a few marks. I’ll enjoy it less if you take any scars as a personal insult.”

Frowning up at him as he leaned against Jared’s side, Wren shook his head. “You have plenty of scars, sir. But they were very challenging to work around. Next time, you should be injured near the middle of your back. I think it would need staples and I still haven’t gotten to work with those.”

“Come, my boy. Time to take off your stethoscope and return to earth.” Jared patted Wren’s backside. “There’s a bath waiting for you upstairs, and a cute little service sub to wait on you for a bit while I do my own washing up.” Nodding his goodbye to Seth and Quint, Jared steered Wren toward the door. “We’ll have a brandy before bed if you’re very good and don’t harass the patient about his sutures until morning.”

Wren nodded, smiling up at Jared, then tensed at a loud bang at the door. He retreated a few steps. “I don’t know how to treat bullet wounds, please try not to get shot?”

Guns drawn, Seth and Quint flanked the door with impressive speed. Unarmed, Jared pulled the boys with him toward the bedroom where the door was reinforced with a steel core from when Wren had lived with him there. 

“Open the fucking door, I can’t put this box down and this thing has attached itself to my neck.” Rhodey’s gruff voice came loud and clear across the loft. “And if anyone tells Tracey I couldn’t handle this thing, you eat lead. I have things to do. Hurry up.”

Jared let go of Pike’s hand, letting him run toward the door while Seth tucked away his weapon to open it. Letting out a sigh of relief, Jared pulled Wren a little closer, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. This wasn’t the first time Rhodey had nearly gotten shot, and probably wouldn’t be the last. 

Smiling up at him, Wren spoke in a whisper, clearly having the sense not to let Rhodey hear him. “Do you think he might get a terrible infection? I’ve wanted to treat one, but it’s wrong to wish for that, isn’t it? I like Rhodey, but he would be the perfect specimen.”

“I promise if he ever does get one, you’ll be there to help me treat it.” Jared squeezed Wren’s hip, hoping he never saw the day when something felled his oldest and closest friend. “But they happen regularly at the Clinic. I’d like you to start with observations. How would you feel about coming to work with me every day?”

Holding his breath, Wren looked excited, then doubtful. He pressed his face against Jared’s side. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, sir. I...wish for it sometimes, I miss you so much. And it would be...amazing. But I know the risks and I won’t put you through that. You’d be distracted worrying about me and I intend to live a long, very safe life so I never hurt you that way again.”

“Well, until we can find another way, we’ll just have to install cameras. I’ll wear a wire and talk you through things.” He glanced at Rhodey, who had the kitten attached like a strange decorative accessory to his earlobe. “Do they still do wires? Or are there other monitoring and communication devices now? You’re not putting chips in people’s brains yet, are you?”

“Not unless I have to.” Rhodey smirked, bending down a bit to let Quint remove the kitten. He straightened once it was free, rubbing the bloody scratches into a smear across his flesh. “There’s milk and all that shit in the box. I got everything it might need and more will be delivered. The vet will visit, so no need to go to him, he’s getting paid well for the job. Now I’m going to see my boy and unless you’ve got last words, I don’t want anyone trying to go anywhere. Even then, I’ll send someone to you to jot ‘em down.”

“Then you’ll need to send them to the Clinic in the morning, Rhodey.” By Noah’s side, Jared attempted to usher his family toward the door. “Because I have work.”

Rhodey grunted, giving him a look. “Across the street. I’ll allow it. I’m letting Keiran and Matt do their thing, so it’s apparently ‘fair’. Stupid reasonable bullshit. But don’t push it.”

Feeling like Ezran, Jared clucked his tongue. “Whatever.” He would like to see Rhodey try to keep him from living his life. Words would be had. It was obvious the man was feeling overly sensitive after Avery’s mishap. “Thank you again, Seth.” In the hall he gave Noah a strange look. “You’re lucky we only live upstairs. Are you sure you don’t want me to get you some clothes?”

“I’m fine. Why not enjoy some of the perks of owning the place?” Noah flashed him a grin as he walked up the stairs barefoot, which had Wren watching his feet like they were part of one of his horror movies. “I’m going to have a drink and read for a bit. I’m too wired to sleep.”

“That sounds like an excellent plan.” Stepping into the loft, Jared noted the lights were dimmed and there was soft Jazz playing over the sound system. Candles had been lit, and everything by the door was perfectly aligned, including Jamie’s shoes that he normally kicked off and left for Wren to straighten. 

Jared’s gaze skipped over the coffee table, where three cigars and whiskeys had been laid out, along with the cutter and ashtray. The sound of running water in the main bathroom and scent of essential oils told him that Wren’s bath was ready.

“Wren, love.” Jared took his boy’s shoulders, turning him to face him. “I have an order for you. I want you to follow it very carefully.”

Gaze fixed on his face, Wren nodded. “Yes, sir, but I’m not sure what there is left for me to do. Jamie did a very good job. I can’t give as good massages as he can, but I’ll try? Is that it? Or...I don’t have to spend time with L.D., do I? He can be pleasant when he’s calm, but he tries to climb me and chew my hair and I can’t sit still for that. Unless you ask me to?”

Biting the insides of his cheeks, Jared attempted a serious expression. “No. Nothing so challenging as that. Or...” He tilted his head, considering. “Possibly. Given your nature. But, we need to give Jamie something to focus on after this day, and I am using you as his focal point while Noah relaxes and I try to do the same.” Sharing a glance with Noah, to make certain he was on board, Jared continued. “Jamie is going to take care of you tonight. Massages, oils, getting you what you like to read. Bathing you. And he’s doing it on my orders. You’ll be looking for small ways to keep him attentive and focused. Can you do that? I know how observant you are.”

“I think so, sir. So long as… You will be giving him the orders? That I can’t do. Please?” Wren rubbed his hands on his pants. “But I can help him. That I’m good at.”

“I’ll give him the orders, but you’re not to lift a finger cleaning up or waiting on yourself or anyone else. Is that clearer?” Jared ran his knuckles along Wren’s collarbone where his white shirt had opened at the throat.

Wren took a deep breath. “Yes, sir. This is only for...the next...hour? Perhaps half an hour. Yes, that seems more than reasonable. It is a very good challenge, sir. Both me and Jamie will do well.”

“If you both can last two hours, we won’t repeat the exercise.” Jared gave him a level look. “An hour and a half, and we’ll repeat this next week. An hour, and we will repeat it tomorrow and the day after. A half hour...well, we might have to do it every night for a week.”

That got him a wide-eyed look. “Two hours… Sir, are you angry at Jamie? It wasn’t his fault, whatever it is you think he did. L.D. is very clever, I’m sure he did it. Maybe we can give him to Pike. Cats like company. Not that I don’t want him here, but I’d rather keep Jamie. He’s been very good. Exceptional even.”

“L.D. is part of our household, Wren. Our family.” Noah clucked his tongue. “Would you really give him away to avoid such a simple task? I’m starting to think you don’t have much faith in Jamie, which would be disappointing. You just said he’s been doing well.”

Wren paled, nodding, then shaking his head and nodding again. “He has been. I’m sure this will be fine. I should take my bath now. Did you see the new book that came in the mail? It’s the Sci-Fi one you were waiting for. Jamie brought it in and…” His brow furrowed. “I slept in, I don’t know where he put it. I’ll go check.”

Jared snapped his fingers. “No.” He held up his index finger. “That’s one. Two more and it’s a fail for you both.” Turning toward the bedroom, he called out, “Jamie, bring me the ball gag and cock cage.”

Snorting, Noah went to the couch, sitting and reclining with a cigar in one hand, clipping and lighting it. The smoke filled the air around him. “You never cease to impress me, my man. This should be interesting.”

Naked, Jamie stepped from the bedroom with the red and black ball gag and a flexible silicone cock cage. At Jared’s gesture, he knelt gracefully, head bowed, and held out the items on his palms.

“Lovely.” At Jared’s praise, a flush appeared on Jamie’s pale skin. Tapping under Jamie’s chin, he had his boy raise his head, eyes downcast. “Open.” At Jared’s prompt, Jamie opened his mouth, and Jared slipped the gag between his lips. Straps fastened, he tapped Jamie’s shoulder so he stood. “Because I know you, I’m using this.” He waggled the cage. “And this.” He tapped the ball gag, then bent to secure the cage. “If Wren fucks you, I won’t be angry. This is his night, so if there is any sneakiness, he will be the one to engage in it. Not you.”

Jamie made a quiet, needy sound behind the gag, his dick already curving up toward his belly with a rapidity that never failed. Using a gesture nurses often employed with aroused male patients, Jared flicked the side of his hand downward, quickly dissipating the sub’s arousal so he could fit the cage snugly over his cock and secure the rubber ring around his balls. 

Finished, he straightened and sent Jamie to his other Dom with a solid slap to his ass. “Let your Dom inspect you to make certain he likes what he sees.”

“You’re stunning like this, little cat.” Noah set down his cigar, then brushed his hand up Jamie’s side. He gave the cock cage a little tug. “Don’t try to convince Wren to take it off, he won’t be doing that. And I would be very sad because I love the look of it.” He leaned up to kiss along the edge of Jamie’s spread lips. “I would challenge you to get him to fuck you, but I know it would make you both uncomfortable if he tried to force himself. I will let you have your way with him if you do well tonight. Don’t let either of you fail. You will make me very proud, my love.”

Watching the rapid rise and fall of Jamie’s chest was almost as entrancing as the look of dawning horror on Wren’s face. It wasn’t often that Jared played a mindfuck on his boy, which meant he enjoyed it all the more, especially if he could involve Jamie as well. “That will be all for us, Jamie. Make certain Wren is good and needy for me before you finish bathing and massaging him. If he comes, I won’t be disappointed because it means I’ll have an excuse to practice some needle play with you as I’ve been wanting to for a while now.”

“I don’t think Jamie likes needles, sir. Except for with his piercings…” Wren worried his bottom lip between his teeth, releasing it when Noah frowned at him. “I am going to go now. I understand.”

“Good boy.” Jared watched as Jamie dropped to his hands and knees as he’d been trained and followed Wren toward the bedroom. His pale asscheeks swayed with the movement, his cage bobbing. Meeting Noah’s eyes, Jared sat in his own chair, adjusting his pants for a little more room. “Well, that was fun.”

Noah smirked around the cigar held between his teeth. “I’m not sure if I want them to pass or fail. I bet Wren folds within the hour and takes off that ballgag so he can ask Jamie what he should want him to do. Or tells him not to leave a towel on the floor. You’ve got them both in the perfect predicament.”

Trimming his own cigar, Jared kicked off his shoes, shoving them under the coffee table for Wren to find later. A little present to his boy. “Hm. I suppose I do.”

The day might have gone balls up from the start, but so long as it ended like this, with everyone he loved having a bit of fun, the predicament was one he’d enjoy. For now, everything was exactly right. 

And everything he’d wanted.


Part 13


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  Have and amazing weekend!



  1. This whole chapter was so delightful ❤️ I love seeing Noah and Jared take care of their boys, I love Rhodes’s soft side, and I can’t wait to see Pike embrace his little side!

  2. Wren suggesting where Noah should get hurt next as if he’s choosing his injuries from some sort of check list 😂 and then that mindfuck…😮

  3. Rhodey and the kitten 🐈 so cute! Loving the quad interaction

  4. I love how Jared is more and more ❤

  5. I love seeing more of this group. The change from Doc to Jared throughout the series has been heartwarming

  6. Rhodey getting upset about 'fairness' :)


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