LOVE & STITCHES at The Asylum Part Twenty


Were you missing your weekly dose of Asylum chaos?

Strap in, because it's about to reach a whole different level.

Happy Reading!







PART 6  




PART 10 



PART 13 




PART 17  




“Fight! Fight! Fight!”

In the dance club, there was a ring of members exchanging money and shouting. Curtis had a few inches on most of them, but with the action happening on the ground, he couldn’t make out a damn thing.

The members who didn’t move fast enough were tossed into others, Noah pausing to pry Wren’s teeth out of the arm of someone who looked like they’d tried to go after Jamie while he was focused on his opponent, a man he’d managed to disarm and knock to the ground. Handing Wren to Curtis, Noah started toward Jamie, then seemed to decide to let him get a few more hits in.

Glancing over at Matt, Noah grinned. “Remind me to get you that fancy new coffee thing you’ve been eyeing. You taught my boy how to throw a very nice punch.”

Thunderstruck, Matt gaped at Jamie, whose feline growl accompanied each punch to the unrecognizable man’s face.

“You wanna piece of me? You want a fucking piece?” Leaning in, Jamie grabbed the man’s collar as the phone next to him rolled some footage of him and Wren dancing in the booth together. “You take it, but you leave my family the fuck out of it!”

Noah looked up, snapping his fingers. “Avery, get that and make sure it hasn’t been shared anywhere. If it has, Wren will help you take it down, but watch him.”

Slithering down his silks, where he’d been avidly watching the fight, interest glittering in his dark eyes, Avery dropped to the floor and scooped up the phone along with a switchblade from the floor. Those who’d bet on Jamie were few, but the pile they’d won was on the astronomical side judging from the pinging of Curtis’ phone in his back pocket.

“Who’s the guy?” Curtis asked Wren as he handed him over to Avery.

Wren wiped his mouth with his sleeve, the blood making the black fabric glisten. “That’s Trevor. He used the openhouse to come in as someone’s guest—there were a lot of cars coming in at once and it was harder to see who was inside each one. There has to be a better system we can use....” He looked over at the man he’d bitten, who was sitting on the floor, clutching his arm and moaning like he was dying. “I think that’s his new manager.”

Whistling low, Curtis stood back a little, fascinated at this new side of Jamie, who’d wrapped both hands around Trevor’s neck and straddled him like that mechanical bull upstairs. “My guess is having his phone could be pretty useful to you, my boy.”

A positively wicked gleam shone in Wren’s brown eyes. “Yes, sir. I think it will be.”

“All right, wildcat.” Keiran chuckled, curving his arm around Jamie’s waist and lifting him straight off Trevor. He pressed a kiss to Jamie’s cheek. “Your first kill is going to be a lot more memorable than this. Besides, it’s much more satisfying to let this bastard live out his long, miserable life.”

Chest rising and falling rapidly, Jamie breathed hard, a cold look in his eyes as he stared down at Trevor’s unmoving form. “He comes in my home again, he leaves in a fucking box.”

“You have my word, dulzura.” Keiran lifted Jamie up into Noah’s arms. “I’ll take out the trash, sir. And make sure he understands how...unwise pressing charges would be. It might take me a little bit.” His lips curved into a chilling smile as he flipped Trevor over his shoulder. “I’m glad I closed up the restaurant early, I didn’t realize I’d be getting a special treat.”

This place is weirder than my family’s compound

Smirking, Curtis passed a fond hand over Keiran’s hair. “Between you and Dallas, this building might actually manage to stay on its foundation.”

“Thank you, sir.” Keiran’s smile warmed as he met Curtis’ eyes. “We protect our home.” He gave Jamie a nod of mutual respect. “And our family.”

“Love you, Keir bear.” Resting his cheek on Noah’s shoulder, Jamie followed  Avery andWren’s progress toward the security room. “Matt was right. As soon as I had something to fight for, I remembered it all.”

“I’m very impressed, my protective little cat.” Noah smoothed his hand down Jamie’s back. “Now let’s go see Quint about your hands. You’re going to be feeling that in the morning, but right now I bet you’re flying on an adrenaline high. It’s an amazing feeling, isn’t it?”

Answer trailing as Noah carried him out of the dance club, Jamie nodded, mentioning something about the bet book and wanting to get in the ring. Curtis chuckled, meeting a still-dumbstruck Matt’s eyes. 

“I didn’t teach him the knife disarm.” Matt faced Curtis, eyes round. “It was like watching Fred Astaire tap dance on the guy’s face. Strangest moves ever. Completely unpredictable.”

Curtis clapped Matt on the back, touch lingering to strum his fingertips along Matt’s throat. “We all have our own style. Makes sense he’d have his.” Remembering the way Jamie both took care of him and made him feel every inch in control while they’d been on the island—or at least the parts he remembered—Curtis nodded slowly, gaze taking in the room. “I’ll get Danny in the booth. You good manning the bar in here?”

“Sure.” Black T precisely pressed, complete with a crease where starch and iron had touched the sides, Matt started toward the bar. “No food service though. Not enough runners.”

“Hmm... I’ll see what I can do about that.” Watching Matt’s subdued gait, Curtis blew out a long breath, wishing he could make things easier on Lawson’s boy.

He closed his eyes, then opened them, making his second executive decision of the evening, and headed toward the gym and bar. The former was crowded, the latter emptying out a little between fights, but the new member line stretched around the room. 

“Who here likes to have their ass beat?” Raising his voice, Curtis held his hand in the air.

A little over half the room followed suit.

“Alright, who here likes to beat ass?” He raised his hand again, and a quarter of the remaining men raised their hands. “And who likes to drink and fight and fuck and doesn’t care who’s hitting who?” Both hands in the air, he watched as the other quarter mimicked him. “Okay, pair up, Doms and subs first, the rest of you poor bastards, find a switch. Remember we’re diabolical and can turn on you in a minute. Crazypants is our middle name.” He pointed to the office. “I’m taking interviews two at a time. You’ll do a scene together and I’m gonna play judge. You need at least a seven-point-five. And if you don’t know what the fuck a safeword is, leave now. There’s the door.”

Reed grinned at him from behind the bar, cutting a sliver of cake, looking like he’d come up with a system with Pike, giving him a bite every time he returned to the bar with empties, half his focus on Danny as he went out with simple drinks. A large piece of cardboard had been propped up on the bar with the words ‘Beer, shots, or GTFO. No mixed drinks for the next until I say so.’

On the bar TVs, a scroll interrupted the entertainment channel, the words, “Glam Grenade singer admits to using autotune: ‘I can’t sing worth sh*t. It’s my ass the girls like, so I got implants’.”

“Oh shit.” Reed combed his fingers through his hair. “Please tell me Wren’s not messing with stuff? Rhodey’s gonna flip the fuck out.”

Swearing, Dallas pivoted, a tray of shots balanced on one hand, not spilling a drop. They all watched as a news van pulled up to a mansion, the home of a renowned Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, who came to his door to answer questions about Trevor’s plastic surgery with a shocked look on his perfectly tanned and sculpted features.

“On it.” Dallas set down the tray, motioning to the drinks. “Pick one. Take two, and you lose a hand.” He strode out of the bar, black boots not making a sound.

Chewing on a mouthful of cake as he loaded the dishwasher, Pike tipped his head back to watch the screen. “That dude is so fucked.”

“You can’t swear in the bar.” Danny nudged Pike aside, looking over the glasses on the top rack. “And have you never filled a dishwasher before? You’re going to fill them all with hot water and they might...explode. Here, let me do that. Go bring the misfit subs the craft beers they ordered.”

Pike shook his head. “I ain’t serving them shit, they’re scum. And you’ve gotta stop letting them try and sweet talk you into putting their drinks on your tab. Reed cancelled it twice already.” He shook his finger at Danny. “You’re supposed to be one of the well behaved ones. You’re ruining my groove, man. I can’t be the responsible one.”

Things had a way of going absolutely upside down and totally right at the same time some nights. Moving toward Lawson’s office, Curtis wished the man could be downstairs to see it. It had been nearly a week, and he’d been...thrown back, along with Matt, by Garet’s choices. But, maybe seeing the new auditions for members might cheer him up? He glanced toward the stairs, trying to decide whether it was a stupid idea, the role play, and whether Lawson would ream him out for it or applaud his ingenuity. Once he got done being unimpressed with the social media debacle.

“He’s up there by himself, pacing, and eating his own brain.” Shaking his head, Curtis talked himself into going upstairs, standing at their loft door almost before he finished the thought. Inside, he toed off his shoes, calling out, “Law?”

“In the kitchen.” Lawson’s reply came before he continued speaking, sounding like he was on the phone. “No, you’re right, Tracey. A week isn’t nearly as long as what you’re dealing with, but I don’t think talking to a lawyer would be technically breaking the… Yes, ma’am. No, you don’t need to put Rhodey back on the phone, I just wanted to confirm… Yes, of course I trust him to handle things. All right. Yes, I’m putting on the herb tea now.” He let out a soft laugh. “With the dried herbs and berries Todd dropped off, yes. It’s absolutely delicious and it’s helped a lot.”

Holding up a finger, Curtis mouthed, “Put her on speaker.”

Lawson lowered his brow at him, but nodded. “Tracey, I’m going to put you on speaker. Curtis just came up, which means the fire alarm will likely go off any minute.”

“Hey... I’m doing a great job. Danny’s only...” Curtis shook his head. “No, it was Wren who bit someone.”

That got him a shocked look. “Wren… Jesus, please tell me it wasn’t Matt. I need to go down there.” He left his phone on the counter with Tracey still on the line. “Danny only bites when he has his play collar on, but he’s working in the bar. You...didn’t try to have him serving tables in pupspace, did you?”

Holding up both hands, Curtis shook his head again. “Nope. No way, my man. All’s good.” He settled a hand on Lawson’s shoulder. “I was just coming up to ask if you wanted to have a little fun and watch the role play auditions with me. We have about seventy new member applications to vet tonight, and it seemed the most efficient way.” He glanced at the phone, speaking up. “Hi, Tracey. Just wanted to let you know your son-in-law has a mean left hook. He took out Trevor in the dance club tonight. Noah’s walking around like a peacock, his feathers all fanned out with pride.”

Tracey let out a soft laugh. “I don’t doubt it one bit. You boys behave yourselves and don’t get in too much trouble. And Lawson, sweetie, take your tea and get yourself back in bed. If I have to get up to go drag you back there, my brother won’t be very happy with either of us.”

“I tried.” Shrugging, Curtis threw Lawson an apologetic look. “Come on, I’ll tuck you in, get your tea, and read you a story from one of Reed’s pornographic mangas before I turn off the light.”

Giving him a dry look, Lawson picked up the tea he’d been seeping and pulled out the silver tea ball, setting it on a dish by the sink. “I’ll take it easy, Tracey, but I think staying in bed any longer is unnecessary. I can promise you I won’t do paperwork for another…” He checked his watch. “Twenty-one hours and fifteen minutes.”

“Gotta get back.” Curtis hooked a thumb toward the door. “Night, Tracey.”

“Good night, love.” Tracey let out a soft sigh. “All right, Lawson. So long as Curtis has things under control, I guess there’s no harm to you going down. It’ll probably be better for you than you laying there counting down the time until you can rework the budget. Which I'm sure my son’s made some...unique changes to.”

Curtis coughed the words, “Mechanical bull,” into his hand.

“I told him that damn thing was a safety hazard.” Lawson rubbed his hand over his mouth. “I love you, Tracey. Say hi to Todd and the kids for me, and have a good night.”

In the background, Ana screamed something about books growing in the backyard like potatoes. “I found two and got Coal to show me how to use the bitch-hoe to dig up more tomorrow.”

“Please don’t get up, Tracey, I’ll take care of this.” There was the sound of quick steps, as though Todd had stopped by the bedroom before rushing out. “Ana, you just took a bath, how did you manage to get so much dirt on you? And why is there hay in your hair again? Come with me, baby. Want to do the one-hundred brush strokes to every carnivorous animal you can think of again?”

“I bet it was Applied Political Theory and Lives of Supreme Court Justices Volume One.” Curtis nudged his chin at the phone. “I buried them together. Never could remember where.”

Tracey clucked her tongue. “Lawson was so upset when he couldn’t find them. And Noah made you weed the entire yard to earn back the cost of replacing them.” She laughed quietly. “I’ll let you two… Rhodey, I put up with a lot of nonsense from you, but you are not teaching Coal to launch grenades on my land. What in the world are you thinking?”

Voice coming from a bit further, Rhodey snorted. “I wasn’t planning to. I was showing him how to conceal them. Do you take me for a fool?”

“Avery’s totally got things under control with Wren.” Standing on tiptoe, Curtis spoke from his spot near the front door as he hopped around to get his heel into his boot. “Anything they did, Trevor totally deserved. You’ll love the fight footage. Best non-ring bets we’ve had in a while.”

That got Rhodey’s voice sounding a lot closer. “Whose instructions is Avery following? I didn’t approve those two going after some two-bit, washed up pop singer. You are supposed to be in charge tonight, my man. Deal with this.”

“Dallas is on it.” Unable to get his foot in the other boot, Curtis took it off and dumped it upside down. A cat toy and a lollipop dropped out. Then a piece of still-wrapped square bubblegum. “I just took these off...” He looked inside, his voice sounding a little hollow as it drifted into the boot. “No worries. Everything’s great here.”

Not sounding too convinced, Rhodey grumbled something to Tracey before the line cut off.

“Let’s head down.” Lawson rubbed the back of his neck, shaking his head. “If Avery’s letting Wren take revenge on Trevor, we’re going to have a mess on our hands. We need to get both of them back on task. Jared is not going to be pleased.”

“Well, he was instructed not to move money around, or do anything lethal?” How bad could it really be? A few raunchy TMZ career-killer videos seemed to be about as bad as it could get. “All in all, it really hasn’t been a terrible night, my dude.”

Lowering his hand, Lawson met his eyes. “I really hope so, love. I just… It’s not that I don’t have faith in you. Part of me is going a bit stir crazy, the other part is terrified of the workload I’ll be coming back to. I…” He let out a soft laugh. “I really wouldn’t mind a chance to sit and enjoy a drink and not have to do damage control. For once. But me and you both know I’m incapable of that.”

The loft was weirdly quiet without Reed’s chatter and video games, or Matt on the phone with coffee suppliers. At one time, it would’ve been Ezran and Garet slamming doors and running in and out as well. Curtis looked around the giant empty space and sighed heavily, tucking his fingertips into his back pockets.

“I didn’t pay as much attention to him as I should’ve. I thought...Ezran needed me, you know? My focus was on him.” Hard swallow grating, Curtis threw his head back and cleared his throat. “I left it on Matt, who needed us too. Garet became so happy, carefree...just like this giant fucking neon light. I never knew...”

Arms folded over his chest, Lawson gazed off somewhere in the distance. Or maybe the past as well. “It’s nothing any of us did wrong. And definitely not Matt. Or you. You spent a lot of time with both those boys—hell, Garet got his love of cars from you. But...we’ve seen how the gang can twist up even the sweetest kids. The long term damage they do. When Garet only had Matt, and Matt was working a lot? Garet was easy prey. And I think it gave him a...sense of belonging he’s never quite found anywhere else. We’ll…” His throat worked. “We’ll find a way to bring him back to us, my man. He just needs...more help than we can give him right now.”

Curtis faced Lawson, hands going to the man’s hips to tug him closer. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring all that up.” He smiled a little. “Look...about downstairs. It’s not the way you would do it, and I know things look like a mess, but they’re under control. Just...not under your kind of control.”

Chuckling, Lawson unfolded his arms, resting them on Curtis’ shoulders, one hand going to the back of his head to draw him in for a slow, deep kiss. Then he smiled against Curtis’ lips. “Fine. I’ll come down. I’ll have a drink. And I’ll watch you do your thing. Without lifting a finger.” His smile tilted a bit at the edges. “But I bet you five-hundred dollars you’ll be begging me to step in by the end of the night.”

Picturing a five-hundred-dollar bill going up in flames, Curtis went full-on grin. “You’re on, my man. And no tripping subs to make my life harder. I know who you learned from. I was there.”

“Asshole.” Lawson shoved his shoulder, stepping past him to grab his shoes, before pausing and glancing down at himself. Instead of his usual pants and crisp white shirt, he was in a pair of jeans that looked like Curtis’ and a plain, dark green T-shirt that was snug enough to be one of Matt’s. “I really should get changed.”

“What you really should do is ask Jared to give you a couple nipple rings to show off under that studley T-shirt.” Teasing, Curtis winked at Lawson. “Nice ass in those jeans too. Faded in all the right places.” He frowned. “Are you wearing my Rudolph boxer briefs?”

Lawson brushed his hands down his sides in a gesture that would only look self-conscious to someone who knew him very well. Which Curtis did. “Yes, I...was doing my best to follow the doctor’s orders.” He gave a subtle shrug. “And I may have...missed you. Just a little.”

Heart giving a sweet pang, Curtis couldn’t repress what he knew could only be a ridiculously besotted look that came over his face. “I fucking love you. And if you don’t know how hot you look in that outfit, just wait and see how many of our new members try to get you to take them upstairs before they figure out you’re taken.”

“That could be somewhat entertaining. And Noah won’t know what to make of me wearing jeans without him trying to order me to do it first, then argue all the reasons why I should until I finally give in.” Lawson’s lips quirked. “It might also reassure Jared that I’m not in the club testing my limits. I’ll even ask him before I have one drink, just to show I’m cooperating.”

“Good plan.” Leaning back into the loft, one hand on the open door, Curtis stole another kiss, enjoying the lingering herbal mintiness on Lawson’s tongue. He laughed a little against Lawson’s mouth. “Do you feel like you’re drinking toothpaste?”

Lawson arched a brow at him. “No, but I will now, so thanks for that. It’s supposed to be healthy and I wasn’t very well going to turn down Tracey’s concoction. I do think I’m going to have Matt sit down with her and suggest some mixes that will be a bit less...medicinal. He’s very good with flavors.”

“True.” Curtis closed the door, joining Lawson to walk down the hall. “He’s at the dance club bar. I bet he’d like to do something nice for you like that.”

Heading down the stairwell at Curtis’ side, Lawson glanced over at him. “Since you’re running the show, any chance of switching him to the main bar? I’m not sure who could replace him, but I’m not dealing with the crowd that hangs out in the dance club. Especially after a few drinks and dancing around to...well, not my kind of music.”

“I have a few ideas. It wouldn’t be bad to change things up a bit.” He’d need to see if Jamie could still work the music in the club, but if so it was about time he gave Tay a chance at solo bartending. They’d been working a lot together on the drinks, and it might build his confidence. “I wish Sin was around. He was always great at filling in.”

Lawson inclined his head. “He’s visiting his mother for a bit while she’s on a new program. Usually he doesn’t stay away for more than a week or so, he doesn’t seem to like leaving Tay alone for too long. It’ll be good for the boy to have a distraction.”

At the dungeon landing, Curtis breathed a sigh of relief when the door was closed. “I don’t know what happened between him and Garet. Was it just a fling, you think?”

“I assume it was. Sin’s not a bad Dom, which is why I didn’t object to them spending time together. He always makes it clear he’s not interested in anything long term, and Garet’s young, so it seemed to work for him.” Lawson’s lips tightened. “Until Ezran took exception to it. Those two are like oil and water sometimes. I really thought they’d end up together, they were inseparable for so long. But they seemed to have grown apart.”

Hand on the door to the bar, Curtis paused, looking over his shoulder. “Well, whatever they might’ve had crashed and burned the moment Garet got involved with the gang again. I’d say it’ll be less oil and water the next time they meet and more oil and match. And I don’t mean in a burn-my-panties kind of way.”

Lawson sighed, raking his fingers through his hair. “I know. Ezran clashes with Noah in his own small way of proving his independence, but...he shares a lot of his views. It’s going to take a lot of work to bring Garet back into the fold. But...I’ll find a way.”

“I do not envy you going up against Noah on that one.” Shaking his head, Curtis tightened his hand on the door knob. “But let’s leave those troubles for another night. I have auditions to conduct.”

Laughing a little, Lawson bumped his shoulder against Curtis’. “Then lead the way, my man. This I’ve got to see.”

Curtis stepped into the bar, moving away from the door, and motioned to Reed. The drinks sign was still in place, and the Doms, subs, and switches now mingled in pairs around the tables, most of them talking and laughing, some looking a little nervous. The energy was good though. Overall, optimistic.

“Damn, sir.” Reed left Danny to man the bar, letting out a low whistle as he looked Lawson over. “Not sure what the special occasion is, but you’re freakin’ smoking tonight.” He let out a mock growl when a few subs glanced their way. “Eyes front, boys. These two are mine.”

Shaking his head, Lawson hooked his finger to Reed’s collar, tugging him in for a kiss. “Don’t start getting possessive on us now, my boy. We might return the favor.”

Reed grinned at him. “I’m still on the mend, so I’m totally good with that. Jared’s gotta be the exception, though. We all know I’m too much for any one Dom to handle. I can’t help it, I was born this outrageously fabulous.”

Gaze narrowing, Curtis threw Reed a mock glare. “I don’t know about you, Lawson, but I just heard this boy say we couldn’t handle him.”

“Mhm, I heard that too. He’s gotten bold with all the exceptions he’s been given.” Lawson gave Reed a level look. “If you need us to get creative to remind you who’s in charge, we’re quite capable.”

Taking a very respectful pose, even though his lips twitched like he was biting back a laugh, Reed lowered his gaze. “I definitely misspoke, sirs. Most Doms can’t handle me. I got the best of the best, though, so you obviously don’t have any trouble. And I live to please you both, so it’s not even a question.”

“Good. Boy.” Curtis punctuated each word with a kiss, speaking them against Reed’s lips. “Now go tell Danny he’s on the music in the dance club and make Tay get busy behind the bar there. Then come back here with Matt. You have two minutes.” He glanced at the indestructible bar clock. “Go.”

Eyes going wide, Reed followed his gaze, hurrying around the bar and tapping Danny on the shoulder. Danny nodded at him, looking more than a little relieved as he scurried around the bar, ducking under a few arms and disappearing out of sight. Phone against his ear, Reed followed at a slower pace, checking the clock again and frowning, his lips moving like he was repeating the orders to himself over and over so he wouldn’t forget them.

Now, the only problem left behind the bar was Pike. And he was holding up a finger to a Dom who was saying something to him while he munched on a sandwich about the size of his arm.

When the Dom repeated whatever he’d said, Pike glared at him. “I said give me a minute, sir. Can’t you see I’m on my second dinner break? Damn, you’re not gonna die if you don’t get a beer and I’m getting hangry.”

Not gonna lose this bet in the first five minutes...

There were standards, afterall. 

Coming around the bar, Curtis clapped the Dom on the arm. “Hey there, Tristan. I gotcha covered.” Doing what came natural, he took a towel from the pile under the bar and flicked its end at Pike’s ass. “Go to the clinic and finish your dinner. You can come out when you learn some respect and find your work ethic. Everyone here is flat out. You need a break? You can either ask me for it or you can wait until the time it’s scheduled.”

Pouting at him, Pike put down his sandwich. “But Reed gave me free passes and I figured using one for sandwich time was totally fair. I was doing real good, I didn’t even accidentally on purpose pour anything on anyone. Well, except the ice, but that was totally deserved. And I let Drew bring Fresco downstairs with him.” He gave Curtis a pleading look. “Don’t be mad, cuz. Let me stay and I’ll be super good, I swear. I’ll even clean up the bottles without a cake bribe.”

Curtis held up one finger, mouth opening and closing. He pressed his lips together. Then tried again. “You get one chance. I so much as hear a reluctant whine or an aborted swear come out of your mouth? I’m revoking free passes for everyone. Forever. I’m already considering it, so don’t tempt me.” Leaning one forearm along the bar, he lowered himself to Pike’s eye level. “And if you think the guy who had zero issues trouncing Lacy when she gave Gran lip would hesitate to smack your ass? Well, think again, because I’ll just close my eyes and pretend you’re someone else.”

“All right, fine. I already promised Reed I’d be on my best behavior. After promising Quint the same thing. Since I love you and you rock, I’ll try out my better best behavior.” Pike held up his sandwich. “Can I put this in the fridge first, though? It’s too beautiful to let go to waste.”

Already pulling an ale for Tristan, Curtis nodded. “Yes. Go.” He glanced around the bar. “Where the hell are you, Reed?”

Almost on cue—and thirty seconds late—Reed burst through the gym doors with Matt on his heels. He looked at the clock and winced, tugging at his bottom lip with his teeth as he approached the bar. “Sorry, sir, I almost made it, but Tay was double checking everything with Matt. And then I remembered there was no food service, so I had to go back and tell him. But he’d already taken a few orders, so...I guess I gotta put my chef hat back on.” He cocked his head. “Damn, I need one of those. Bright pink. And sparkly, of course.”

“Anything you want, if we get through this night without any broken bottles.” Which naturally cursed the entire backbar the moment he said it, Curtis realized. “I’m cancelling the food orders. I need you here. Our guests deserve better than to be wandering around with random partners all night just because I couldn’t get my act together. It feels too much like assigned seats in seventh grade biology frog dissection lab. A nose full of formaldehyde shouldn’t be made worse by getting paired up with a kid named Gerald whose one claim to fame is the ability to flick a booger forty feet.”

Making a face, Reed glanced around the bar. “I can get on top of things, sir. It’ll be a lot easier with Matt here. He’s faster mixing drinks than I am. Between us we can keep the members happy and out of your hair.” He waved Pike over when he came out of the galley. “Go get the booths, clear the empties and see who needs refills or whatever, you’re good at remembering the orders without writing anything down when you actually care enough to listen.”

“I’m on it.” For the first time, Pike didn’t add anything else, or sulk, or drag his feet. Heading over to the first booth, he actually looked like he knew what he was doing.

And Reed let out a relieved laugh. “O...kay. Was not expecting that.” He turned to Matt. “I’ll get the tables near the front, then take over the other side of the bar. You get started on this one.” He held his fist up for a bump. “Let’s do this.”

Returning the gesture, Matt kissed Reed’s cheek on his way past, then did a quick hop up, hands braced on the bar, to steal a kiss from his husband. Though Curtis couldn’t help noticing the deep, dark circles under Matt’s eyes, his skin pale next to his sandy hair, the sub looked more settled and happy than he had since Lawson had been consigned to wearing out the rugs in their loft with his pacing.

Curtis helped fill drink orders to catch Reed and Matt up, listening to the conversation around him, one eye on Matt and Lawson.

“I’ll have a Sprite on ice when you’ve got a minute, my boy.” Lawson leaned his elbow on the bar, smiling as his gaze followed Matt. “I know I’ve said this before, but I’m truly impressed by how well you and Reed work together to keep on top of things here. I wish I could be doing more, but it helps to know you’re both willing and capable of being there for Curtis when he needs you.”

Hand on the soda wand, Matt pressed the button, filling the glass without taking his eyes off Lawson. His skin pinked, giving him a healthier glow as he basked in his Dom’s praise. “I’m glad I can give you that pleasure, sir. And Curtis.” He placed the soda, a straw with half the wrapper removed poked between the ice, in front of Lawson on a bar napkin. “Have you eaten tonight? I know there are leftovers in the galley.”

“I was waiting to enjoy a meal with my men.” Lawson gave Matt’s hand a squeeze before letting him go. “And I still plan to do just that. Don’t worry about me, my love. I’m going to sit here and enjoy the atmosphere while I wait for Jared to come in so I can see if I can treat myself to something with a bit more bite.”

Curtis ducked into the galley, grabbed a few baskets and lined them with napkins. A scoop in the snack mix allowed him to portion out twelve baskets. He put all but three in the warmer. Those, he nuked for twenty seconds each, before he pushed back into the bar and placed a basket in front of Law, then two more spaced equally along the bar’s glossy surface. 

Catching Pike’s eye, he shook his finger. “Don’t touch this. It’s for customers. Not for you.”

Tray of empties balanced on one hand, Pike weaved around members on his way back and stuck his tongue out at Curtis. “I wasn’t gonna. I told you I was behaving.” He walked straight into someone’s back and his tray did an impressive flip, scattering bottles and shot glasses everywhere. Eyes wide, Pike stared at the mess. Then back at Curtis. “Doesn’t count!”

“Good job not swearing. That’s the only thing keeping me from putting a clothespin on your tongue and making you wear it for the rest of the night.” Grabbing an empty gray dish bucket, Curtis handed it around the side of the bar to Pike with an apologetic look at the man he’d walked into. “Drink’s on the house. What can I get you?”

The man licked his lips in a nervous tell, his gaze skipping over the bottles before landing on the soda wand. “Root beer, please, sir?”

“Hey, I’m really sorry about that, man.” Pike kept his focus on carefully picking up the bottles and glasses, clearly trying to make up for his slip by not grabbing everything recklessly and slicing his hands open. “I shoulda been watching where I was going, but I didn’t want my cuz here to think an alien took over my body or anything. This being good thing is tricky.”

That got a chuckle out of the sub, the less nervous expression taking some of the plainness from his features and replacing it with warmth. “It’s all good. I wasn’t really looking where I was going...” He lowered his voice. “There are so many Doms, I’m afraid to look up.”

“If you don’t, you’ll end up like me and smash into everything. Only, I do that anyway.” Pike lifted the dish container. “Some Doms are all formal and you gotta not meet their eyes or whatever. I think of ‘em as the frowny ones and just don’t get too close. The good ones ain’t bothered. I don’t call ‘em the smiley ones, that’s Quint’s nickname. They’re the grinners and the sleezes, ya can usually tell the difference. The sleezes are the easy one to get away with stuff around, they think it’ll get them laid.” He came around the bar to dump the broken bottles in the trash and grabbed the broom, shooting Curtis a slanted smile. “There. I just invented Sub 101.”

“Or a footnote of it.” Relenting, Curtis winked at Pike, handing the sub his drink. “Have a seat at the bar.” He nodded at the crowd. “What’s your name? Which Dom or switch did you pair up with?”

“Thank you, sir.” Not looking up, the sub stirred the foam out of his root beer with his straw. “I’m Beau Larchmont. I didn’t pair up with anyone because I just got here and there weren’t any singles left.”

Coming through the gym door, Jared stepped up behind Lawson. Curtis caught the moment the other Dom leaned in to warn Lawson of his presence before he placed a warm hand on his shoulder. “Evening, Lawson. Mind if I join you?”

“I’d very much appreciate that, to be honest.” Lawson turned a bit on his stool and gave Jared a smile of greeting. “Firstly, because I’d love your company. Secondly because I wanted to clear it with you whether or not one drink would be advisable. I won’t push the issue, but it would be nice to have something other than herb tea and soda. I don’t particularly like soda, but I’ve been having more than usual just to switch things up.”

Making a couple martinis on auto-pilot, Curtis positioned himself toward Lawson’s end of the bar to listen in, making a mental note to put off the new member interviews for another night. Everyone would be disappointed, but with the club so full, he’d made a serious error in judgment not putting boundaries on the invites. Something Lawson would have every right to chew his ass for—and probably would. 

“Everyone who came for a new member interview, I’m sorry.” Curtis cut off whatever Jared was about to say to Lawson, bringing both men’s heads around. “Your drinks will be comped, and you may explore the club everywhere except upstairs. I’ll be reaching out to have you back. We didn’t expect such a great turnout.” Bracing himself for the influx of people grumbling or pushing to the bar for drinks, he was surprised when most of them simply looked up with a grateful smile and then went back to talking interestedly to whomever they’d paired up with. Frowning, he scratched his head with his free hand. “I have to be dreaming. Did someone drug the water in the ice machine supply line?”

Reed grinned up at him as he set up a tray with a few shots and some rum and cokes. “Nope. I think they were all just having a good time after things calmed down and they’re really hoping they’ll be approved as members. It’s always been pretty exclusive. Some of these people have been waiting years for a chance to be part of things here. That’s why Lawson’s always like ‘Whatevs’ when someone throws a fit and stomps out.”

Sipping his drink, Beau nodded. “I saved up for the last seven years, ever since I heard you opened. I only have enough for a membership for a year, but maybe I’ll meet someone.” His brown hair was nondescript, hanging in a straight-cut shag over his brown eyes. He looked around the room with hope in his gaze, seeming to drink everything in. “This is a real cool place. Thanks for doing the open house. I always wanted to see inside.” Rubbing the bartop with his palm, he smiled to reveal his best feature—perfectly white and even teeth. “This is a beauty.”

Behind Curtis, Jared played twenty-questions with Lawson, asking him about his sleep, his diet, and felt his pulse at his wrist. “I want you to start a more regular workout regimen again. With me, in the mornings after your coffee. I think it will help. We’ll start with swimming and some strength training.”

“Yes, I’d like that very much. It would be nice to be able to keep up with my men again. And if I’m doing this with you, you’ll be able to keep better track of my progress.” Lawson’s lips curved. “And we can work through any issues we want to deal with for the club before presenting it to the board. I propose letting Curtis take charge of acquiring new members. And I’d like to start splitting the interviews with him. It will leave me more time to work on other things—or actually relax between work and club affairs. And he’s...damn good at it.”

Reminding himself that Lawson hadn’t yet seen the state of his office, Curtis allowed himself a moment to take in the praise as he met Lawson’s gaze and refilled Beau’s soda. Matt had paused, reaching to put away a couple Glencairn glasses, staring at his Dom with open joy.

“That sounds like a very good plan, Lawson. I’ll toast to that.” Jared tapped two fingers on the bartop. “Two bourbons, Matt. If you, please.”

Matt lowered the Glencairns to the bartop, nodding, and grabbed the bourbon from the top shelf to pour. “Yes, sir.”

Coming around the bar again with another tray of empties, and managing to get them all there on the tray—though he’d knocked over a few and smelled like a brewery—Pike puffed a breath over his face. “Was I good enough for a snack? And water? I don’t even like water, but I could drink a whole lake. This is starting to feel like an actual job. I’m sweaty and gross and I need cuddles.”

Finished serving up two beers he’d knocked the caps off of and handed to two waiting members who’d come in from the ring, Curtis dried his hands on a bar towel, considering Pike’s request. Without speaking, he swept Pike off his feet with a fond poke to his ribs and slung him over his shoulder. “I think if we had a union it’d be against the rules to deny you cuddles, little cousin.” Rounding the bar, he joined Jared and Lawson. “Special delivery for you, Jared. I’m diagnosing this one with Cuddle Deficiency Syndrome. Could be fatal if not treated immediately.”

“If ya didn’t already know it, my cousin is brilliant and knows pretty much everything.” Pike snuggled up against Jared’s chest. “And this gives me a chance to tell ya an idea I had, about the escape room game thingy? Since Avery’s watching Wren do his whole hack the planet deal, we don’t gotta worry about him hearing anything.”

Alcohol spewed across the bar, landing in Pike’s hair and even catching Reed and Matt who were several feet away. Jared choked on the swallow he’d been taking, pounding his fist against his chest as the liquid fire went down the wrong pipe. 

Lawson patted Jared’s back and gave Pike a level look. “You may not know this, but for future notice, Wren doing his ‘hack the planet’ thing is a serious matter. Please inform Jared or myself immediately if you learn of him doing something like that with only another sub around.”

“But…” Pike swallowed hard as he slipped onto the floor like he needed to retreat to a safe distance. He blinked at Jared, then scanned the bar as though searching for an out. “Look, I’m not a rat. And I might’ve heard wrong anyway. Some subs were just guessing that Wren was the one who exposed Trevor—I didn’t even know who the hell the guy was until all this. Maybe it’s just a coincidence?”

As soon as he had enough oxygen to draw breath, Jared pushed away from the bar. Pale under his beard, he looked around like he tried to figure out which direction to take—the stairs or the gym door. 

Guilt riding him at his part in the scheme, Curtis pointed at the gym door. “Security room. Let me come with you... And Jamie was there. He’s in the clinic. Beat the shit out of Trevor. Noah told him to wipe the phone. Looked like he’d gotten footage of Wren.”

Jared swiped his hand through the air. “You’re making no sense. I don’t care what Jamie did. I need my boy.” He strode out of the bar without a backward glance.

“Oh dog dammit.” With a full bar and the new members to vet, there was fuck all Curtis could do. “I’m starting to understand that panic attack, Law.”

Giving Curtis’ arm a supportive squeeze, Lawson met his eyes. “Bets off. Let me know how I can help.”

“No, you win. Thanks for letting me go as long as you did.” Tossing his bar towel into the hamper, Curtis pointed to a few of the couples he’d identified as the most promising. “You can maybe audition these ones, and I’ll set up appointments for the rest? Unless you’d like to swap?”

Lawson shook his head as he pushed to his feet. “No, I’ll be fine with this. Have about a dozen wait outside my office—make sure they’re not blocking the way to and from the gym or the stairwell. Spread out the rest of the appointments over the next few weeks.”

Blowing out a long breath, Curtis nodded, then gave Lawson a slanted smile. “We make a good team.”

“That we do, my man.” Lawson smiled at him, crossing the bar and stepping into his office. He let out a heavy sigh, his voice carrying back over the chatter of the members. “Whatever you have planned tomorrow, cancel it. You’re doing a deep clean in here. Were you trying to leave me something to remember you by?”

There was a temptation to make a quip about that coming later, but Curtis swallowed the comment and got to work on handing out the forms Lawson would need for the applicants he’d interview tonight, and setting up appointments for the rest. It was chaos, but not the lonely unmanageable sort.

More like an organized mayhem.

Now what are the odds it’s gonna last?

With Lawson here? A bit better.

But just to be safe...Curtis rapped his knuckles on the bar.

Knock on fucking wood.


 Check back tomorrow for Part 21


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