Love & Stitches at The Asylum: Part Forty-Nine


Some more fun in The Asylum to slip away into! Grab yourself a cupcake and dive on in.

Happy Reading!

Watching the comfort Noah took in Jamie, and that Jamie took in him, for the first time in memory Jared didn’t wonder if they were good for each other. After the conversation in the movie room, it was clear that Jamie needed to be taken care of and as much as Noah needed someone of whom to take care. 

Suddenly, all of that carrying him around and creating those silly moments made sense. Noah was no longer acting out of character in Jared’s mind, but rather had found a place for himself where he could be a bit vulnerable in his own way.

Belatedly sitting on the edge of the bed, Jamie touched the ground with one pointed toe, his opposite leg bent at the knee. “So...I didn’t break you?”

Noah shook his head, but his nose wrinkled a little, an expression that rarely crossed his face anymore, but had quite often when he was much younger. He leaned in a bit, speaking just over a whisper. “What you did was an accident, but the results were… Well, Jared’s assured me it’s not going to fall off. If I didn’t trust him so much, I’d question that. It’s not so pretty anymore.” His eyes sparkled with laughter, the only thing that likely saved the honesty of his reply from taking a negative turn. “If you ever want to punish your Doms, you now have the perfect way to do it. Or if you want to use that as a secret weapon you discovered by chance. It’s very effective.”

Speaking up, Jared shook his head with some emphasis. “No. Because, next time, I’ll be volunteering him for the CBT practicum for Sub 101.”

“No, thank you, sirs. I’ll be very careful of where I put my hands from now on. I’ll make sure to fall on my skull before I do that again.” Wincing, Jamie followed up with a full-body shudder. “I can do harcore, but I prefer ass play. Thank you very much.”

Noah chuckled, reaching out to tap Jamie’s nose. “We have that in common. Jared will have to find someone else for that particular demo. You’ll have to continue to do very well in class so you can get your pick of the fun stuff.”

On his dresser, Jared’s watch let out a small chime, the alarm he always set to remind him when shift start in the club was bringing his attention around. He tipped his head toward Noah, eyes on Jamie, as he stood. “Give your Dom a kiss and then get ready for work. You’re in the dance club with me tonight.”

Following the letter of Jared’s order, Jamie leaned in to brush Noah’s cheek with his lips. He turned, heading toward his dresser. “I should be quicker getting ready since I’m not allowed to wear all the gunk on my face anymore that makes me look fake.”

“That makes you look… I’m sorry, what?” Noah’s expression darkened, clearly caught off guard and not connecting the comment with Rhodey’s intervention. “Who the hell said you look fake?”

Shucking the pajamas he’d spent the entire day in—the same oversized purple ones that Rhodey had returned him in—Jamie walked out of the bottoms toward his dresser. His ass cheeks were splotchy in places, but not bruised, much like Danny’s ass had been during his regular checkups. Something that had factored into Jared’s decision to call Rhodey in for a little of the same for Jamie. 

“All the pancake makeup and rouge and stuff? You know the stuff I wear to interviews and the club to hide and be perfect?” Jamie pulled out a black T with a rhinestone cat face on the front and the word MEOW on the back. “It’ll help me to be me now. Not fake.”

Rubbing both hands over his face, Noah exhaled into them. “Rhodey forbid you from wearing makeup? We’ll see about that.” The amount of control Noah would allow his uncle to have over his little cat was reaching its limit. “You’re always you, my boy. And enjoying makeup doesn’t make you fake.”

Jared plucked up his watch and took up his seat on the plush blue reading chair in the corner, prepared to jump in if necessary. 

“Yes, sir, but the eyeliner is okay. I can’t hide behind it as much.” Not putting on boxer briefs, Jamie instead opted for a lacy black thong that sparkled in the afternoon sunlight. “I’m scared to let people see that my skin isn’t perfect, but I got okay with it around the Core and it feels kinda nice to be naked sometimes.” He threw Noah a disarming grin, like he knew he made it sound like he’d be running around the club cloaked in nothing but his aura of fame. “And maybe I won’t cause Wren so much grief trying to get the stains out of your shirts when my lipstick gets all over your collar.”

Lowering his hands to his sides, Noah observed Jamie for a moment, speaking quietly. “If you’re comfortable that way, I don’t object. But if you’re in the mood to put on some foundation and eyeshadow and lipstick because it makes you feel good, you’ll damn well do so.”

Jamie looked from Jared to Noah and back, putting on his jeans. “Yes, sir. But... Maybe you don’t want me to always look like I did when we met?” He glanced in the dresser mirror at himself, gaze assessing. Not critical, but as if he really saw himself. “I’m not a kid anymore, and Concrete Haven isn’t Glam Grenade...”

“True.” Noah bent one arm behind his head, angling himself back against the headboard as he carefully adjusted his position. He watched Jamie, his expression thoughtful. “I wanted you to hold on to the look for you, my boy. I didn’t want you to feel like anyone could take away who you were. What you’d built. Making it an order was simpler, but lacked forethought on my part. I want you to express yourself, however feels best to you.” His gaze flicked toward the door and he lowered his voice. “Just give me and Jared a heads up before you make any drastic changes. And make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.”

Padding closer, still barefoot, Jamie searched Noah’s gaze. “I’ll always be the boy—your boy—who landed over your lap in the bar that first day.” He pressed a fist to his chest. “In here.”

Noah smiled at him, reaching out for his hand again. “That and so much more, my precious little cat. You don’t have to stay any one way. I love the man you were. The one you’ve become. And the one you’re going to be.”

Tears sheened Jamie’s eyes, making the green that much brighter. “That’s so beautiful. Can I use it in a song? I never had someone tell me it was okay to change before. You really are a poet. In pictures and words.”

Chuckling, Noah drew Jamie in, obviously ignoring the discomfort as he rose up to claim a long, slow kiss. He smiled against Jamie’s lips. “You can use them. So long as the words don’t feel played out by the time you record the song. Because they’ll always be true.” He drew back slightly, holding Jamie’s gaze. “Not only for me. You know Wren feels the same, right? He might not be able to express it in such pretty words, but it’s there. You’re surrounded by love and I will do everything in my power to make sure you feel it.”

“I do.” Whispering the words against Noah’s lips, Jamie leaned in to steal a kiss. “Every day. Now I know what I feel is more than what I even dreamed. And I dream big.” He breathed a laugh, glancing toward Noah’s tortured crotch. “Wishes do come true.”

Brow lifting, Noah studied Jamie’s face, like he was trying to find the punchline in the joke. “You wished for my dick to be a very strange shade of purple? I’m not sure I like that. Maybe it’s Reed’s fault. Those damn grape lollipops are starting to give everyone strange ideas.”

Choking on his own tongue, from the sound of it, Jamie shook his head. “Hell, no, sir. I meant that the moment I saw you I hoped that part of you was as big as the rest.”

“Ah. Well, that’s good to hear. I’m glad I measured up.” Noah poked Jamie in the ribs. “But let’s not show our appreciation by trying to keep pieces of it, all right? It’s perfectly fine where it is. If Jacks makes you a purse, my balls don’t end up in there as a keepsake.”

Jamie’s laughter turned into giggles, the lines of his face softening with affection and humor. Before he and Noah could get too far down this particular rabbit hole, Jared stood, holding out a hand. “Come, little tribble. Let’s get your shoes on. I’ll be in the dance club with you tonight, where you’ll be in the booth. I’m putting on your speech restrictions tag so you can be in your head as much as you want while you create some ‘sick’ new music for your patrons to dance to.”

“Have fun down there and show Jared what a good boy you can be for him.” Noah hooked his fingers to Jamie’s collar and tugged him down for another deep kiss. Then he whispered as though Jared wasn’t right there and able to hear him perfectly well. “Or be very sneaky.”

The sparkle in Jamie’s eyes reached the wattage it only ever did when he shared these little fun moments with his Dom. “Yes, sir.” He whispered back, nudging his nose against Noah’s. “I love you, so flippin’ much, Top Cat.”

Jared went into the bathroom, giving Noah a moment to respond. He searched the untouched and uncharacteristically neat makeup vanity, finding the lip balm near the end of an alphabetized row of tubes. “V. For vanilla.” Smiling, he palmed the sparkly tube, bringing it with him to the bedroom and holding it up. “Found Wren’s favorite. It’s like a miracle happened in there.”

“Really?” Noah arched a brow, glancing toward the bathroom. “I didn’t bother turning on the light the last time I was in there, so I didn’t notice anything different—and no, I don’t miss the toilet when I do that, my mother raised me right.”

Taking the tube, Jamie uncapped it with a little ‘pop’ and dabbed it on his lips, speaking at the same time. “You’d be amazed at what sneaky subs can do in the middle of the night.” He pressed his lips together lightly, making the sparkle even out to a subtle shine that brought out their pink color. “You do know you always dab lip color, right?” Holding up the tube with the abrupt topic change, he recapped it. “It’ll keep you from getting premature lip wrinkles.”

Noah blinked at him, then huffed out a laugh. “No, I didn’t know that. And I’ve never really worried about wrinkles…” He mock frowned, brushing his fingers along the sides of his own mouth. “Should I?”

Before Noah finished, Jamie was already shaking his head. “Nope. When you get them you’re just gonna look badass like Jared.”

Unsure whether to be touched or insulted, Jared glanced at himself in the mirror. Teasing, he experimentally pressed fingertips along the edge of his jaw and brow. “Don’t know. It might be time for some fillers and a lift. I seem to remember I didn’t have any white hair when I met your Dom.” 

“Hey, I’m not taking credit for that.” The edges of Noah’s lips twitched. “You had some when you came back from one of your longer trips to the desert. I now know the blame is entirely on Seth.”

Brows raised, Jared tipped his head side to side then nodded. “True. I can’t argue with you there.” He plucked Jamie’s SILENCE tag from Noah’s dish, palming it with a little toss, then crooked his finger to their boy. “Kneel. Let’s do this the right way.”

“There’s a right way to get put into verbal time out?” Clearly reluctant to leave Noah’s side, Jamie didn’t budge immediately. “Is that something we’re going to learn in Sub 101?”

“Yes, that and how to come to heel immediately when called.” Jared snapped his fingers, pointing to the spot on the floor in front of him.

Dragging his feet, Jamie groaned, joining him, and dropped gracefully to the floor. He lifted his chin, eyes on Noah. “Do I get any last words?”

“Those were it, little cat.” Noah’s eyes danced with amusement as he adjusted his pillows, sinking into them with a tightening along his jaw he clearly attempted to hide. “I love you. Now show your other Dom how prettily you can submit for him.”

The line of Jamie’s back, his posture and energy shifted to something feline. Definitely very pretty. Jared clipped on the tag and gave him the hand signal to stand, folding his fingers into his palm. Crossing to Noah, he uncapped the pill bottle, tipping the dose into his hand. 

“Call me if you’re feeling it after having this.” Handing the pills to Noah along with the uncapped water, he shook his head a little at himself. “You tell anyone I gave you this with alcohol and I’ll be unimpressed.”

Making a face, Noah took the pills, showing his usual reluctance to use any kind of medication when it came to pain, despite his insistence on the rest of them doing so. “You know I won’t. But are you sure another glass wouldn’t suffice? It’s not that… All right, it’s still pretty bad. On the other hand, it’s an interesting color now. I might use it for a painting. Ode to my dick.”

“Hmm...” One brow raised, Jared pretended to consider Noah’s request. “Well, if you don’t mind the increased urination from the alcohol, I suppose I could administer a few glasses. Or...if that’s a bit too painful sounding, I’ve always wanted to try giving a bourbon colonic...”

Noah popped the pills in his mouth and took a few gulps of water, spilling some on his bare chest as he quickly shook his head. “No, that’s quite all right. These will do just fine. And…maybe some ice?”

“Jamie, get your Dom some ice.” When Jamie moved too quickly to obey, Jared snapped his fingers. “Prettily.”

“Yes, sir.” Jamie winced, then groaned. “Sorry.”

Sighing, Jared pointed toward the door. “Go.”

“He’ll get there. He’s our good boy.” Noah gave Jamie an encouraging smile. “Maybe he can grab me and himself a cupcake while he’s there. Would you like one as well, my man? We need to finish them off so we can get another batch.”

“That sounds lovely.” Jared’s gaze warmed. “Get Wren, little tribble. Bring a pretzel for him and have him come prepared to spend the evening with Noah.”

Nodding, Jamie glanced around, then went to his top dresser drawer to take out a little notepad and pencil, both covered in rhinestones. He shook the set lightly, holding it in the air like the personal victory that it was, then slipped out of the room.

“I think this will be good for him. He seems nicely settled.” Noah’s throat worked as he finished off the rest of his water. “I’ll have Wren pick a book to read that isn’t a medical journal. As much as I approve of him exploring a new career, he’ll get obsessed with doing nothing else if we let him.”

“Yes. I agree. Though, we need to remember anything that helps him feel like his brain is...more normal and unaffected by the injury seems to lift his spirits.” Jared took the empty bottle from Noah, bringing it to the toy closet where he exchanged it for a full one. Straightening, he noted a layer of dust on the back edge of one of the glossy tigerwood paddles. “Hmph.” He came out with the paddle and the water, showing it to Noah. “Either we’re both getting old, or we work too much.”

Noah made a quiet sound of agreement. “Likely both, along with having two very good subs.” His lips slanted. “You know, that would be the perfect tool for a Headmaster. I knew something was missing, but couldn’t quite put my finger on what.”

Paddle held up to the light, Jared examined its beautiful dark striations. “Isn’t this one of the first ones Curtis made? Wasn’t it a gift to you?” He glanced toward the closet. “Or was it the one with that curve in the handle? Also...what are you saying, exactly? I need to lose my tried and true banking system?” Not putting any heat into his voice, he let Noah know that he asked for advice. No offense taken. “Is it too much?”

“The curved one. That one I got when Blain first joined the club and used to bring goodies every night for all the Doms to check out while he was establishing his client base.” Noah gave him a level look. “And the point system is fine. Ideal for all the subs, as far as I’m concerned. But there may be times an immediate punishment might be best just to set some hard lines. I think…any punishments should be in the classroom, unless it’s an infraction that warrants something that wouldn’t be safe to do in there.”

“Feeling the weight of would work.” Hefting the paddle, Jared took a few experimental swings, glancing over as Jamie came in the door with Wren. “I might need to test it out.” He crooked his finger at Wren. “Do you mind bending over the bed, little raven? I won’t strike you hard. I would like to see what sort of mark this leaves.”

Wren’s expression lit up like he’d just been offered to assist in a complicated surgery. “Not at all, sir. Perhaps this will give me an edge when you’re deciding who will assist in certain demonstrations. I will be saving up my points of course, but there are several modules I’d like to volunteer for… Choosing between them will be difficult, but maybe if I spread them out it will be a surprise. That would be interesting.”

“Settle your belly, tuck your balls in your palm.” Lowering Wren’s trousers, Jared ran a hand over his boy’s bared ass, squeezing each nicely rounded globe and rubbing a bit to warm his skin. “Why don’t you tell me which modules you’re thinking of, and I’ll advise you?” He glanced up at Noah. “Have you decided which subjects you’re interested in teaching for your class?”

Bent over the bed, Wren spoke with his voice slightly muffled by the mattress. “Everything except for little and pet play, sir. Though I do like observing both. It’s fascinating to see how the sub’s mentalities change and how they interact with everyone.”

“I haven’t spent much time watching any of Blain’s sessions with them, but I can imagine it being quite different than anything I’m used to.” Noah shifted his focus from Wren to Jared. “I was thinking of doing something involving different kinds of whips just to ruffle Lawson’s feathers, but I might be nice and go with another option. Or maybe just wing it.”

Inspecting the paddle for flaws against his palm, Jared glanced up at Noah. “Don’t you dare ‘wing’ this class, Noah Leonov. I will be...displeased.” A little shake of the paddle at Noah had Jamie snickering. He pointed the paddle at Jamie. “Behave.”

“Fine.” Noah winked at Jamie, then let out an exaggerated sigh. “Let’s see… How about ‘All the way to improve your Dom’s chances of winning wagers’?”

Wren lifted his head, his eyes going wide. “Sir, I don’t believe cheating can be an official class. It’s certainly not covered by anything in the syllabus. I’ve read it. Twice.”

Scribbling something on his paper with one eye closed, his tongue between his teeth, Jamie stomped his feet in a little tap-dance. He tore the paper off and handed it to Noah.

“That’s ‘S-N-E-A-K-Y’, little cat.” Noah tucked the paper in the back of the book at his side. “And I’m afraid that’s something you subs will have to practice on your own. I could hardly enjoy the results if I was participating in you learning how to do it successfully. Or punish you when you get caught.”

Focus on Wren, Jared rubbed the paddle in a little circle. “Tell me how this feels.” He gave a light whack to Wren’s right ass cheek, compressing the flesh so the paddle didn’t bounce away after. 

Holding still, Wren tilted his head to one side, like he was carefully choosing the right answer to a test. “A very mild thud, sir. I suppose that level would be enough for some of the more fragile subs. If he ever did misbehave, just taking that out would be enough for Danny. But Reed would likely enjoy it quite a bit harder.”

“All right. This next one will be a middleweight strike.” Jared tapped the paddle lightly on each of Wren’s cheeks as he spoke, enjoying the slap-slap of the wood against his flesh. “And, Noah, I think your idea about the whips is a wonderful one. Lawson might be able to teach something around service. Why don’t you ask him?” Drawing back the paddle a little further this time, Jared landed a more solid smack to Wren’s left cheek, then soothed it with the cooler side of the paddle.

Noah tapped his fingers against his chin, observing Wren as he absorbed the impact with quiet, even breaths. “Yes, I suppose that would be the diplomatic way to handle things. It’ll fuck with him to have me being that reasonable, which will be fun.”

“That’s it. You’re both getting in the ring.” Jared rubbed Wren’s heated flesh with his palm. “With the usual. Doctor’s orders. You need to get this out of your system.”

Arching his brow, Noah held out his hand to Jamie for the ice, as though he’d just remembered it. He brought it under the blankets, hissing a bit, then closing his eyes with some relief. “Yeah yeah. As soon as I’m not giving him any unnecessary advantage. I’m sure it will make him feel better to get a few hits in. I’ll be nice and let him get some before I put him out of his misery and remind him how much he used to enjoy being forced to give up control.”

“You’re assuming you’ll win.” Lips quirking, Jared held his own internal debate on the matter. “It’s been a while, but he’s learned quite a bit.”

Noah gave him a dry look. “I don’t lose. He’s good, I have no problem admitting that. But I’m better.”

“Then you’d best start taking challenges more often, because you’re not in the ring nearly enough for me to be confident about that any longer, and I know you quite well.” Knowing he goaded Noah a bit, Jared took pleasure in the poke for the right purpose. “You’ve been working on your headspace. Start with Lawson, Curtis, me. Then branch out. Your fights will bring in the money we need for the club expansion.”

With a noncommittal grunt, Noah brought one arm up to rest it behind his head. “I could do that, but we’ll see. Lawson and I are in a good place, even if I still enjoy tipping him off balance now and then. I’m not sure we could keep it to a friendly fight. And I still need to make sure he’s up to it. A win won’t be satisfying if it’s gained at the expense of his health.” He lifted one hand, meeting Jared’s eyes. “I know you wouldn’t let him fight if there was any risk, but…I can’t help worry. Either way, we’ll defend his spot in the ranks. I don’t give a fuck how much the members complain. It’s his, even if he never gets in that ring again.”

“Agreed.” Turning his attention to Wren, Jared cocked his head. “How was that last hit, my boy?”

Wren glanced at him over his shoulder. “Very nice, sir. I could take much more for you, if it would please you, but a few strikes like that would likely have over half of the class on their very best behavior.” His tone grew serious. “If your displeasure isn’t enough. Which it should be.”

Leaning over his back, Jared let Wren feel the press of his erection against bruised flesh and gave Wren’s ear a soft kiss. “Would it, now?”

“Yes, sir.” Wren drew in a sharp breath. “Are you expecting more bad behavior? Perhaps if you started your next class by caning Quint, it would remove the urge.” He set his teeth into his bottom lip, then released it when Noah snapped his fingers. “I’m sorry, sir. Both for the lip and…that suggestion was overstepping. I am not angry with Quint any longer, I understand you decided to let it go and I won’t question that. But part of me… Is it horrible that I want to make sure he knows his place? It can be very frustrating to see the control he manages to claim in subtle ways from all the Doms. The clinic is one thing, but outside of it…”

Jared pushed up and away from Wren to set his clothes to rights. “Up, my boy.” He held out a hand to Wren to make sure his boy was steady before directing him to sit on the edge of the bed and lifting his chin with two fingers. “You are my boy. I understand your desire to protect me, but that is not how this works. My relationship with Quint is for him and me to work out. I can’t and wouldn’t stop you from having an opinion, but at the end of the day, it is not up to you. Any action to insert yourself in the situation in the future will be seen as your own attempt to take control, and will be corrected. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.” Wren inhaled slowly, hardly blinking. “I don’t want to take control at all and I’m grateful that you show me when I might be coming close to doing so. I also like seeing the power you hold over the other subs, all the ones you’ve claimed. It’s…amazing and I don’t believe many others would be able to do it more skillfully. But Jamie and I are still your best boys. The others have some very bad influence.”

Meeting Noah’s gaze, Jared decided that despite Wren’s compliments, he must specialize in creating subs who were very skillful at using words to walk over orders. Except with Wren, sometimes it was very difficult to tell whether it was simply the way his mind worked, or if he was being a subtle pain in the ass. A loveable and brilliant one, but a pain in the ass nonetheless.

Frowning a little at Noah, he tried to ask for his insight without making it too obvious.

“You’re still uncomfortable with Quint, my little bird. There’s nothing wrong with that. Give it some time.” Noah met Jared’s eyes, shaking his head a little. “And both you and Jamie are better at serving us than all the others, you don’t need to worry about that. Both Jared and I have noticed how hard Jamie’s been trying and we’re very proud of him. He is absolutely one of our best boys.”

Wren’s lips curved into a bright smile. “That makes me very happy, sir. Did you see how sneaky he was when he put the camera under the desk? I didn’t know you were watching until after. I was worried I’d have to break the rules about not helping him too much in class when he was late after break, but he didn’t need it. We’re going to be the top students.”

What Wren didn’t know, and Jared secretly—and, he admitted to himself, perhaps a bit diabolically—planned, was to make certain everyone in the class had the opportunity to both shine and to fail quite spectacularly. There was nothing like a little bit of falling on your face to make the prospect less frightening in the future. Also... “You do realize I am still a sadist, little raven?”

“Of course, sir.” Wren peered up at him, lifting his hand to stroke Jared’s beard. “It’s one of my favorite things about you. It can be scary and unpredictable, but I love that, too.”

Writing on his pad, Jamie sidled up to Wren, pointing at it and giving him a little kiss. Which was, for the most part, a gaming of the rules. He was only supposed to use the pad when asked a direct question or if in trouble and need of assistance. 

Eyes widening, Wren grabbed the notepad, tearing out the page, folding it, and sticking it in the front pocket of his shirt. “I love you, too. Very much.” He inhaled and glanced at Jamie’s lips. “Angel kisses.”

Melting a little into Wren, Jamie smiled softly, starting to scribble something else on his pad. Leaning over, Jared plucked it out of his fingers and tapped him on the head with it. “Enough, my best boys. We’re late, and I’m not saving Jamie from Lawson’s paddle this time.”

When Wren’s lips parted, Noah snapped his fingers again. “Not a word, my little bird. You’re going to trip over those lines you like so much if you go any further. Go get one of your books and come sit with me and read quietly. We’re going to have a pleasant evening. And Jamie and Jared will do the same.”

Jamie nodded, giving Wren a reassuring look then pantomimed smacking his own ass, and gave Wren a thumbs up with a bright grin. Then an OK sign.

“I’m going to have to tie your hands to your sides and then you won’t be able to work.” Giving a mock long-suffering sigh, Jared placed both hands on Jamie’s shoulders to steer him toward the door. “Yes, we know your ass will be fine. There’s still plenty of padding.” He winked at Noah, including Wren in his smile. “Be good. Both of you. Wren, you need to bring all of those cupcakes in here and make sure Noah finishes them. Doctor’s orders.”

That got a big grin from Wren as he slipped out of the bedroom with them. “Yes, sir. There are a few Jamie saved for him that I think will be a nice treat while he’s relaxing. The butterscotch ones that don’t smell horrible, but are much too sweet for me. And the ones with the cherry filling and dark chocolate icing. I don’t like those either, but they make me think of Jamie.”

Jamie’s blown kiss to Wren and Noah earned him a solid smack that sent him skittering forward a few steps. He rubbed his ass, which earned him another. The scowl he threw Jared after had him thrown over Jared’s shoulder to be carried downstairs. 

Judging by his sub’s giggle, that was followed by a contented sigh, it was exactly where Jamie wanted to be.


Part 50


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